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Third POV

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Third POV

"My name is Alexandra Garcia. It's very nice to meet you," Alex officially introduced herself to the rest of the Seirin team, albeit, it was not the...proper introduction that...well...there were no words, really.

Mainly, everyone was just left speechless that this woman had just emerged from Kagami's bedroom with nothing on but her underwear. Definitely not something that was seen very much in Japan, let alone to a bunch of teenagers. Just...there were no words. Even those who knew Alex were left in a state of stunned speechlessness. The silence was almost deafening.

And yes, this isn't the first time they had seen her do this either. Still didn't take away from the embarrassment of it, however. The hotheaded tiger, especially had had just about enough of this nonsense.

"Alright, you've all met! Now shut up and put some pants on!" Kagami yelled as he threw a pair of light colored jeans right at the blonde woman's head, wanting her to stop this nonsense right now before (Y/N) literally combusted.

Though, Alex didn't exactly like the fact that she just had pants thrown at her head. But who did, honestly?

"Geez Louise, you lousy ingrate, is that any way to treat your teacher!?" She yapped back at the little tiger cub that she had helped learn basketball and everything.

Teach him how to play basketball, and what does she get in return? Frickin' pants thrown at her face. Well, anywho, Alex complied and pulled on the pair of pants that she had also left lying around right before she went to go sleep in the redhead's bed. Once she had done that, she pulled her long blonde hair up in a ponytail before taking a seat at the little table that the team had been gathered around for dinner.

As she and the others started settling down from...that, Riko decided to be the nice hostess and give the newcomer to the group a cup of warm tea in case she had gotten cold. It was still winter after all.

"Thanks," Alex smiled up at the second year coach, who in response only laughed awkwardly.

How was she supposed to respond? Like, first of all, the brunette couldn't understand a single word coming out of her mouth and second of all, the blonde woman was kind of acting like her coming out here practically three quarters of the way naked didn't seem to bug her much at all. It was...odd. While the glasses wearing woman, kind of got settled down, the others decided to try and talk with her as to not be rude.

"So, uh...why..uh, you, uh..." Koganei kind of stuttered a bit, not knowing what to say or even how to start a conversation with a foreigner since he had never met one before.

Alex seemed to pick up on that too, sensing that there might've been that communication barrier there since she was in fact, from LA and not a Japanese native. Picking up her cup of tea, she quickly switched things up rather quickly.

"Oh, I guess English ain't exactly your first language, is it? Well, no worries, I'm adaptable. I majored in Japanese in college and both Taiga and (Y/N) taught me some too," Alex then began speaking in a way that everyone could understand her, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

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