Chapter 74 ⚠️

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⚠️Sensitive content in this chapter. Content includes topics of (male) child birth and lactation.⚠️

Wen Qing and Baoshan were in a room set up for Wuxian to have his baby. Wuxian was lying on the bed and Wangji sat beside him holding his hand. Wuxian was covered in sweat and all he had on was a gown to cover his top half. He sat leaning back with his legs open. His baby was coming and he was in pain.

"I can't believe we have more babies after this," Wuxian said.

"I wonder if they were planned?" Wen Qing asked as she returned with more warm water and some cloth.

"They will be now," Wuxian replied as he glared at Wangji.

"It takes two to make a baby," Wangji countered.

"You are lucky I love you, Lan Zhan," Wuxian replied.

Wangji wrapped his arm around Wuxian's shoulders as a way to give him more support, "I know, and I love you too, Wei can do this, I am here," Wangji encouraged, "just think, A'Yuan will be here soon."

With Wangji leaning so close to Wuxian, Wuxian was able to snuggle more comfortably into him and was now more comfortable for when the baby comes. Wuxian's face was nuzzled into Wangji's neck and he felt much more relaxed despite the pain. Wangji's sandalwood smell was helping him too.

"I don't know how you do it," Baoshan said, "you got him to calm down so quickly."

Wangji's lips curled up just slightly into a smile, "it doesn't work all the time," Wangji said.

"I say it does," Baoshan said, "anytime I am near you two and he is upset over something, you can calm him down instantly."

"It's hard to be mad at this man," Wuxian said, "and he smells good."

"He used Sandalwood incense right?" Wen Qing asked.

"Mnn," Wangji nodded.

"Well, Sandalwood exudes a delicate sweetness, creating a sense of calm and comfort. It is also said that it can also be considered as an aphrodisiac for some people as it can help increase libido. There are a lot of good qualities that are with Sandalwood, which is why it can be very costly as it is a very luxurious scent," Wen Qing explained.

"If it increases sex drive, it explains how Lan Zhan is so wild in bed," Wuxian said.

"It also explains why you keep begging me for more," Wangji says with a smile.

"Don't make me bite you," Wuxian warned, "I am not in the mood. Wangji could only laugh, "Lan Zhan, stop it. I can't handle you right now."

"No," Wangji said bluntly.

"Then get out," Wuxian said, "and if you actually leave this room, you will not touch me for a year!"

"Your words are contradictory," Wangji said.

Wuxian was about to say something but screamed instead as he experienced some contractions, "why is this so painful?" Wuxian asked.

"It's just how things are, and it only lasts for a little while," Wen Qing said, "you just happen to be a rare human who can conceive while being a male. You have to deal with it."

"Thanks Wen Qing," Wuxian said, "...have you heard anything from Xichen?"

"He is outside with Wen Ning and Lan Qiren," Baoshan replied.

"Oh," Wuxian said, "I guess you don't know anything about Madam Yu then?"

"No," Baoshan said, "and if we did. We would wait to tell you about it until after you have had your baby and you have rested for a bit. You cannot go out and fight right after birth. It's dangerous for your health."

"Fine," Wuxian said pouting his lip.

Wangji smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "let it go for now, Love," he said, "focus on yourself and the baby right now."

"Speaking of focus, it is time for you to push, A'Ying," Baoshan said.

Wuxian took a deep breath and began to push. It was excruciatingly painful and within a few moments a soft cry was heard and Wuxian could relax, "A boy," Wen Qing said just to clarify.

Wuxian smiled, "Lan Yuan, courtesy, Sizhui."

"Let me get him cleaned up and then he is all yours," Wen Qing said.

"Thank you," Wuxian said and Wen Qing nodded.

Baoshan however, had one more thing to get done. The placenta had yet to be dealt with, "you may feel some discomfort but you should be fine," she said.

Wuxian nodded as he continued to relax against Wangji. Wangji was actually his saving grace at the moment. Without him there, Wuxian would have been more uncomfortable and scared. He looked up at Wangji, "I love you so much, and I am glad you are here. I don't know if you were there in that timeline during his birth but I am glad you are in this one," he explained, "I guess I now really know how much I need and want you with me."

"I am very happy to be here," Wangji said calmly, "I am not sure of that timeline but that one is no longer a timeline anymore. We are here now and our son is here. I love you too Wei Ying."

"Alright," Wen Qing said as she returned with A'Yuan, "he is all yours and he is needing to be fed too."

With Baoshan being done with her job, her and Wen Qing left the room for a bit to allow them more privacy. Wuxian moved his gown out of the way and helped A'Yuan get to his food. He figured it out pretty quickly too.

"Let me get you some fresh robes," Wangji said.

Wuxian nodded and watched Wangji walk around the room. He retrieved some clean robes and helped Wuxian dress after A'Yuan ate. Once Wuxian was situated, the others were let in again. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen were both eager to see the little boy again. Lan Qiren got the opportunity to hold A'Yuan first.

"He looks healthy," Lan Qiren said.

"I did my best," Wuxian said.

"I say so," Lan Qiren said.

Wuxian looked at Xichen, "any news on Jingyi?"

"Actually yes, a woman is currently four months pregnant within the sect and it happens to be Jingyi's biological mother. He told me about his parents when he was here from that other timeline so I knew who to look for. He will be here soon," Xichen answered, "things may change now though because his parents are alive but we will see."

"As long as he is still in A'Yuan's life," Wuxian said.

"Oh, I did also run into your shijie not long ago too," Xichen said, "she told me she was only about three weeks pregnant but Jin Ling is on the way too."

"That's good news," Wuxian said, "with Jin Guangshan and Madam Yu still hiding, is she safe currently?"

"She is, Jin Zixuan has a lot of guards posted everywhere. He even has his own team of assassins looking for news on his father," Xichen answered.

"This is just getting out of hand," Wuxian said, "I wish I could understand why they are after me."

"We will not let them hurt you," Xichen said, "we will find them."

"I know, I am just wanting some answers," Wuxian said.

"We will get them soon," Xichen said. He too hoped that this mess would be over soon. He just wanted his brother and his little family safe. He now had his little nephew so Xichen wanted to do what he could to keep him safe too.

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