Be my model

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"The brachialis is deep to the... biceps Brachii.." I whispered to myself pointing to the picture
"What are you doing?" Peter asked pulling up a chair.
"I'm studying for my last anatomy exam." I mumbled still focusing on the page. I was also slightly hoping Peter would go away.
"Really? Looks like you're doing... muscles?"
"Muscles, veins, nerves, arteries, bones and joints of the upper extremities."
"Jesus... that's a lot to know."
"Yeah." I scoffed "which is why I'm studying."
I raised my eyebrows at him hoping he'd get the hint. And to my enjoyment he did.
"Alright. I'll leave you alone. I've got things to do anyway."
"What? Like go stalk your daughter again? You can just ask to see her you know."
"No that's weird."
"Weirder than watching her from afar in the shadows?" I sassed.
He just rolled his eyes and walked out of the apartment.
There were more footsteps and I glanced to see Derek jogging down the stairs.
"Hey what are you up to?" Derek asked walking quickly to the kitchen.
"Anatomy?" He asked reaching into the cupboards
"Yeah. I have my last exam on Monday." I looked down before I remembered something "hey I accidentally flung a straw above the cabinets when Peter startled me the other day. Could you reach up and grab it?"
"You flung a straw?" He gave me a judging look
"It was an accident!"
Derek just shook his head half amused and reached above the cabinets to find the straw. It was while his body was stretched that I could see his arms clearly.
"You have a really pronounced median cubital vein." I hummed to myself
"What?" He huffed finally pulling the green straw from the top of the cabinets
"Median cubital vein. It's in your elbow cavity -or the... ante... antecubital fossa! Yes! Finally got that one!" I cheered and checked it off my list of things to memorize. 
I then scanned his whole upper body and realized he made a great model to study off of.
"Actually, can you stand like right here for half an hour? I'm studying and you're a perfect example of all of these."
He walked over to me and placed the straw next to me on the table.
"You know I do have a life outside of being your personal study tool. Two days ago you made me do all the movements for the joints!"
"I can't help that your body is literally an ideal model to look at! Stop working out so much and maybe I'll want you less... in more ways than one."
That earned a raised eyebrow but he also gave in and stood beside me.
"In anatomical position please." I smiled at him. He just rolled his eyes and fixed his stance.
I glanced over him and swapped between my chart and his body.

Derek's pov
I watched the way she watched me. She studied me and for the first time I actually enjoyed it. I mean I worked out because it was good for me and it helped me get my energy out. But there was something about the way that she studied my body that made the workouts have a different motivation.
"So if I stopped working out I'd be less of a model for you?"
"I mean you'll always be a model to me. No matter what. I think you're gorgeous no matter what workout routine you do. But it is true that the less body fat you have the better you can see muscles and veins. Your muscles are growing because you're working out. That also makes them easier to see. Typically we study people who have bodies like yours. Low body fat and they usually work out."

Your pov
"Interesting. Am I your favorite body you've studied?" Derek asked with a hint of tease in his voice but his face was completely unchanged. His eyes were stone cold and his mouth was rested in a closed line.
"No comment." I giggled feeling my face flush.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Just close your mouth and stand there while I study."
After about 20 minutes I dismissed him but he didn't move.
"Where is my payment?"
I just rolled my eyes and leaned up to kiss his cheek.
"I think that should cover the cost."
"I appreciate you helping me today."
"No problem."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now