Book Two: 23

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Ayano felt rather concerned about her friend Rena, knowing that she was going through so much. Not only did Ayano know that she had a law firm but now a chocolate company as well? She was spreading herself rather thin and that would cause her a lot of stress-Ayano knew she was prone to over do herself a lot. Once Rena had called for a break, Ayano went up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Rena...mind if we talk for a moment?"

"Uh...sure thing. What's up?"

"I'm rather concerned about you sweetie. You've been doing a lot as of late and I don't want you to end up over doing yourself again. I know you have the tendency to do so."

Rena let out a sigh as she placed her tablet down and turned herself to fully look at ayano. "I'm only doing this to spite my parents-that's all. They had made a statement in a public meeting saying that 'no one can beat us-we are the ultimate chocolate factory in Japan' Like they haven't seen all of the negative comments and reviews about their crappy candy. Once I've beaten at least a wee bit of sense into my parents I will be backing out and doing my law firm again."

"You really wanna spite those fuckers don't you?"

She was quick to nod her head. "Oh yeah, they've ignored me all my life. So they're going to reap what they sow. Anyways, I've left my law firm with a trusted associate of mine that I know will do it well. That way I'll be able to focus on the chocolate company."

Ayano let out a small sigh of relief hearing what she said. "I was worried you were spreading yourself thin working at both the law firm and the chocolate company. But if you are having someone take over that firm of yours to focus on this project of yours then I worry too much. You are sleeping properly yes?"

Rena nodded her head. "Mhm, I usually go to bed around midnight senpai."

"Good, I know you don't have siblings you can lean against right now. So I'll be there for you." Ayano said placing a hand on her chest where her heart was.

Rena got up and hugged Ayano tightly. "Thank you so's nice knowing that someone has my back like you do."

Ayano petted the back of her head softly. "Of course, I'm glad we're back into contact with one another. Just know that I'm going to be up your ass about shit now."

Rena giggled and nodded her head. "I'm aware of that Aya. T-Thank you very much."

After the break, Rena focused her attention on Tenn and Liya first with their chocolate. She had her animation team come over during the break and set up by her, so while the three of them talked they were able to get a feel about how the two of them wanted to represent the chocolate that was chosen for them to do.

While they talked Kura went up to Ayano and placed a hand on her shoulder making her look back at the pink haired elder woman with a raised eyebrow. Kura motioned for her to follow her out of the building so Ayano got up and the two of them went outside for a moment. Kura crossed her arms over her torso as she looked at Ayano.

"I saw you talking with Ashina earlier, how well do you know her?"

"She's my kohai from high school. She looks up to me a lot since I kept her from being bullied for her diet since I have the same type of diet she has."

"What she's doing now-can we trust her to treat the boys and your team mates with respect?"

"Oh yeah, she is the sweetest girl out there. She doesn't act out unless she is provoked, I've never seen her snap which says a lot since I've known her for a long time."

"If that's the case then I will trust your judgement on her. Just know that the moment something goes wrong with the content that comes out of her company I will be ceasing all projects with her."

"Nothing will go wrong, but I will keep that in mind." Ayano said with a nod of her head

The two of them went back into the building only to hear Liya and Tenn arguing about how to do the lyrics. "Oi, the hell is going on between the two of you?" Ayano said getting both of their attentions on her

"Tell your sister that she needs to let me chose how to write the lyrics I can't trust her to write proper lyrics." Tenn hissed out annoyed

Liya didn't say anything and just frowned looking down. Ayano crossed her arms. "Like fucking hell I am, you realize all of the songs that are written for the group she writes for. The solos the rest of us write for ourselves. But in the greater scheme of things she's the one that has the talent to write things for Sweet Angels. So you better shut the fuck up and let my sister do what she does best. If you don't I will have a big issue with you Tenn." 

Tenn's pink eyes widened hearing what Ayano said. "Seriously? I thought someone else wrote them for you girls? I didn't think any of you had the talent to write those songs."

"You think so lowly of us and you haven't even worked with us yet." Ayano said seriously before she placed her hands on the table loudly "Listen Tenn, if you want things to go well between Sweet Angels and Trigger I suggest that you work with my sister not against her. She is rather intelligent and can do a damn better job at writing lyrics than Mika and I."

Mika nodded her head in agreement. "I can attest to that."

Rena didn't like the fighting and gave Liya a copy of the music and gave the original to Tenn. "How about this, you both write lyrics and we'll have a vote on what will be in the commercial how about that?" Rena suggested "I...I really don't like fighting."

Tenn let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll work with that."

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