Dog Days are Over

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I'm feeling uneasy. I can't quite put my finger on it, and I can't really define this anxiety that's pooling up in my core, but it's nibbling at the edges of my senses, and I'm just out of it.

The scent of faint sea breeze fade each day, until the last particle of salt get caught between the pages of my books

"I'll see you tomorrow!"'s are said so, so many times, now, and I'm getting drowned at the prospect of going back. Back at blackness, back at remembering, back at stress, and everything that makes every youths miserable temporarily in their lives. I am so full of it, and I really don't want to go and relive another year.

Waves of heat, rolling down the clouds as the cold rains comes up front; seasons changing whilst the drawing days of learning come near

I am in a mix of happiness and in pain; ambivalence taking its toll in my brain:

Young Adults or Old People talking about things that they know, and expects us to reciprocate their teachings. A give and take. A constant cycle that breaks down every fiber of my creativity.

The anxiety
The stress
The depressed state of mind
Even all these things, with all their destructive forces,
I'll get through with it,
I'll make sure of it

I've felt so accustomed to the great and long days of Summer, but I guess my dog days are over. But it'll never run out, as long as I keep a cent of this moment, I'll hold up long enough. For you.

And I just wish that somewhere, someday,
I'll sleep a night where all I can do is wake up in a dream,
A dream that can last months,
A dream that sort of reminds me of the days where I met them all,

All of you

Summer has ended, //k.u.


Title credits to: Florence + The Machine (this will be the last title I'll get from a song! XD hey! I Like being original! *sparkles*)

(Note: So, Summer has ended here. Mates, I know this isn't much of a announcement-kind of stuff, or monumental for that matter, but yes, Summer is over here! That means school will start tomorrow, and... and... I might not be that active as before. OF COURSE I'LL BE HERE EVERY DAY, HAHA, but what I mean is that, I'll never talk to you mates like I ever did before. I'll never be online as the same time as you mates are when I'm here. I'll make conversation, yeah, but it'll be choppy. And it'll not be like that long chats we have when I didn't have a sleep-schedule. ): this really saddens me, 'cause I've really bonded with some of you mates! Well, every single one of you, as a matter of fact! I'm just in distraught 'cause it'll never be the same like it was in summer. Always online, everyday updates (btw, I'll try and post poems daily, for you mates!), and conversations! /sighs/ I guess I still have my Fridays and Saturdays, yeah? I'll manage, for you mates! (: It's always for you, 'cause without you's, I'm not gonna be here, writing this long message to you mates! (: Thanks you, for everything! BTW, if you're getting it wrong, this is NOT a goodbye note. Just a message that schooling will slightly diminish my workability in wattpad. Ugh, school. Whoever thought of it should get slapped!! Ha!

Anyways, all the fantastic love, xx)

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