Furry Stranger

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Explain to me, Furry Stranger, how should this world's story be told?

Where would we all lay when it all comes to waste,
When the people at night need to make haste,

Do pages turn if humanity's existence gets eradicated?
With the strips of lightning and the clap of thunder, are the chapters still written above no other being?

Would our memories be buried?
Epiphanies that guided as to good and bad, leading us to our own ruination, safe and sound,
Accompanied by someone's rusting bicycle, ten feet underground?

Tell me, Furry Stranger, is this how it was supposed to be?

All these vociferous lamentations can be heard throughout every window,
Sadness was outlawed, announcing it as a sin to an all time low,

Washed up shrapnels of the old nuclear war,
Was it this easy? Taking hatred too far?

Tears fall and broken bones break,
The trees sink down, asking to why Man had forsake,

Funnier to funniest, different colors are just a mentality?
Or maybe you're just wrong in the mind; head got hit piteously,

I do wish to overcome our disparity,
But our collisions are far too great to escape this inevitable tragedy...

Did we really come this far,
To only open this door to oblivion ajar?
To only fall apart?

Furry Stranger, do days pass slowly for you?

When the community all wanted was justice,
But they wouldn't give to who can't even utter a single word,

After that riot down the block,
Will the moon cry out fog? As if it was there to mock?

Amidst this cacophony, I believe the storm of the continents would subside,
And tranquility will wash away the wreckage aside,

We keep asking these questions, but we never find the answers,
But I promise, Furry Stranger, that I'll search for that missing link,
That one answer that will finally makes us rise and realize, not sink

I firmly believe that there's still hope for us to coexist with peace;

So, where do I start,

Furry Stranger?


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