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My brain feels empty
Sucked out of its fragile shell
Vulnerable and lost on the streets of society
And the magnificent tragedies of life
I'm all out of inspiration
Left out of anything to think about
Left out of stories to tell
An old fairytale
Losing its

I am but a seed waiting to be planted
Floating in midair
A thought bubble bursting from nonexistence
A star falling down in the background
In a sky of wailing thunderclouds
I ran out of fingers to cross
I ran out of firewood to burn
Now I'm just as cold
As my heart
That stopped

Your familiar face doesn't help me anymore
I used to write everything about you
But now I'm drunk by myself
Not about you and not for you,
I'm intoxicated– to fill up
The spaces that you left me
Struggling to close up
I see my paper drying
Along with my quill's ink
My lips chapping by the sight of it
Day and night rolling around my head
Time doesn't make any sense, I hear myself say
Sweet, sweet scent of my regrets, still lingering above

My brain is dull
Knows pain on both sides
I'm a fool who fell for you
My brain is blank
Fed up with thinking of you
Trying to think about you doesn't help
My brain is quiet
Silence is now a ruling necessity
Not calm, but not chaotic; just quiet
My brain is asleep
I find myself ending up on a crossroads
Never moving to find out what it feels to be lost

It's better to pretend; because, at the moment,
I'm still learning how to let you go

My brain is empty
Heart depraved with the rush of blood
Unlucky, I am, aren't I?
Unlucky how I fell for a person that doesn't even know
What their smile did to others
That their smile can make someone's world
Crumble to the ground
Ne'er to be found

My brain's empty from all those times
I've thought about you
And empty until this day
Since the last time
I've seen you love
A person that
Isn't me


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