Chapter 3

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Ava's POV:

The concert was loud and blinding. It was awesome. I tried to ignore the guys for the most part but they seemed to know just the right way to annoy the crap out of me. After 20 minutes of repetitively kicking my locked knee out from behind and pulling on my hair they ceased their immature actions and secluded back to sitting on the ground tapping away at their phones. I almost wanted to yell at them. There were people who would kill to have seats like this and they're not even watching the concert.

Besides Louis who was okay, Zayn had become somewhat of my favorite person of the night. Unlike the other boys, he was actually standing with me and enjoying the concert. We talked a little in between stage breaks. Apparantly he's a fan of Artic Monkeys too, and he draws and does art. People like Zayn are my favorite, people that take time to enjoy music and art. Not play on their phone during a concert like the rest of the boys.

My phone went off in my pocket and I could barely hear it over the music. I took it out to see a missed call from Lauren. I would have to tell her about all this later, she'll flip. The thought of Lauren finding out I was with her precious boyband humored me and I almost wanted to go call here now.

Resisting the urge, I stayed put for the rest of the concert until I needed to use the bathroom. Louis had bought me a soda 30 minutes prior and it was settling it.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom.." I said to Louis, though I doubt he heard me over the music.

After aimlessly walking around the area, I finally found the bathrooms. They were portapottys due to the outside concert and the urge to pee suddenly went away as my disgust set in. I knocked on the door anyway and no one answered so I opened the door, expecting to find an empty space but instead Harry appeared walking out of the doorway. "Um, oh sorry," I apologized nervously. He grinned "No, no you're fine." I backed out of his way and let him pass. I went quickly, not daring to let myself touch the toilet seat or any of the nasty walls. I released my breath as walked out of the small stall and over to the portable sinks where Harry stood leaning against.

"Why are you still here?" I knew I sounded rude but frankly I didn't care.

"A little fiesty aren't we?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes, drying my hands. "And to answer your question, the concert's ending and I thought you might want someone to walk back with you through that hell of a crowd of people."

I started walking back toward the lot and I could see Harry trailing close behind. My eyes scanned for Louis through the moving mass of bodies but a tap on my shoulder by Harry alerted me that he'd found them. Trying to make our way through the people, I was slowly shoved and elbowed away from Harry. Finding myself desperate, I looked around for any sign of his bush of a head. Finding none, I kept pushing through. An arm crook was suddenly in front of me and I looked up to see a worried Harry. I hooked my arm through his and he led the rest of the way throught the stampeed of people.

We reached the rest of the boys and we stood in the corner of the lot as the crowd cleared.

I shuffled through my bag, searching for my house key. "Shit," I mumbled, closing my eyes in defeat. "I think I left my key back home. Did my mom say when she'd be home?"

"Uh actually, I already talked to her," Louis said, scratching his neck. "she said she won't be home for a while. The boys are spending the night at my house tonight if you'd like to join us?"

My head hurt at the thought of spending the night with them, but I didn't have much of a choice.

"You can borrow some of my clothes, I have extra bath stuff."

I nodded my head. We all grabbed our stuff and began to walk back to the cars.

Louis had to run some errands and took Zayn with him, leaving me to ride with Liam, Harry, and Niall. Liam jumped into the drivers seat of a maroon hummer, me climbing into the back as Niall joined me, leaving Harry to take up the passenger seat.

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