Chapter 34

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Harry's POV:

I watched her carefully as she crossed the room to the door, stopping to give me a small smile before closing the door behind her. I could feel her presence linger outside the door for a minute, then leave down the hall.

Why didn't she stay?

What did I do?

Why did she come?

The all too familiar voice rings throughout my head again.

She pities you. Inside she despises you. Never did she actually love you.

"Get out.." I growled to myself, banging my palm against my head. My eyes were growing weary and my heartbeat picked up.

Foolish boy. For someone who was once so stable you sure have come a long way.

The same chilling voice continued.

She'll never love you. You'll grow deeper and deeper into the dark. Watching from a distance only gets you so far.

I groped onto the bed. Shoving my head into the pillows to try and muffle the sound of the demon voice that invaded my thoughts. I groaned loudly as it laughed at me. My body trembling as the voice continued to taunt me. Sucking every sane thoughts out of my mind, leaving me in a pool of despair that I've come to float in way too often.

I tried to fight away the demon upon every appearance it makes, but I've grown too weak and it's grown too strong. It starts off slow and quiet like the minute before the storm, then sneaks up and explodes inside my head, transforming into a hurricane.

I slam my legs against the bed, pressing the pillows harder into my ears in hope of getting a brief moment of silence and peace from the now screaming voice.

You are nothing. Don't you get it?

"Get out!" I boomed now throwing the pillow across the room. But it goes on. I storm to my feet and pace the room, pulling on my soaked, matted hair. Sitting down at my desk, I force my forehead into my hands, twisting my face in tight.

Too easy

Ava's POV:

I lay in bed wide awake, I can hear him shouting from across the hall. The sounds I hear escaping his mouth runs my blood cold and about brings me to tears. This is my fault.

The noise continues on and I can't take it anymore. Sliding the covers off of me, I quietly crawl out of bed and into the hall, stopping in front of his door. Even from outside the door the atmosphere seems suffocating and I can't imagine how it is for Harry.

Pressing my ear to the door I listen closley to the gruff mumbling on the other side. The words grow louder until he's shouting then he goes silent again. I come to wonder how long this has been occurring. These nightly shouting sessions that are sure to spread and echo through the house. I'm guessing often as I see I'm the only one who comes to his aid, or even to check on him. The others have probably grown used to it. Hearing Harry argue with the silence in the late night. But I'm new to it and it brings an ache in my chest to know I'm the reason behind this. And I'm sure the others know it's because of me too.

The door remains closed and I fight the urge to open it. Maybe just a crack, just to see what's going on on the other side. Taking a silent deep breath, I grip the cold knob. Twisting it slowly, and carefully not to make a sound. It opens about half an inch before I stop it, not wanting to make my presence obvious. I peer inside through the crack with one eye. Harry lies on his bed, multiple pillows covering his head. The only light in the room being the small lamp sitting on the edge of his crowded desk. It barely brightens the room, leaving three fifths of the room dim and almost pitch black.

I can hear him rumbling into the mattress and a chill works it way up my spine. His feet start flailing, forcefully kicking the bed beneath him. Tears prick my eyes once again and I fight down a gasp as he suddenly springs up. Flinging the pillow across the room so it lands right in front of the door. For a moment I'm afraid i'll be seen but I realize he's too out of it to notice such a thing. He's now on his feet, pacing the length of the room, his hands buried into his hair pulling at it's roots. I hold my breath at the sight and my heart slowly shatters at the sight of his beautiful face so scared and panicked.

His damp skin glistens as he sits under the lamp at the desk, and he shoves his face into his hands. I realize I'm crying and I blink away the tears but they don't stop. I want to run in there and comfort him. To bring him to my chest and tell him it will be okay. But the state Harry's in is a dangerous one and I don't want go in there not knowing how he'll react.

He sits in silence and I begin to wonder what's going on inside his head. Anne said he often saw things and heard voices and my mind told me that was the case. Thinking this brought another wave of agony into my chest and I scrunched my eyes closed until the pain passed. The recent sounds I heard while in my room told me that he had been talking to something, someone. Or, most likely, himself. But his mind led him to believe that it was someone else he was speaking to, not his own conscious in the back of his head.

It had been a while since he'd sat down at the desk and it looks like he'd fallen asleep. Seeing this, I quietly stood up from my crouched positioned and walked emotionless back to my room. I laid back down in bed, pulling the covers to my chin and staring up at the ceiling. Everything felt numb, and the images of Harry from only minutes ago replayed in my mind and I was sure they were there to stay. I had been planning on giving Harry space and only coming around one on one every so often. But after tonight, that didn't seem like an option at all.

I somehow knew inside that him seeing me tonight alone for the first time would end up like this, but I also knew it was inevitable. This situation had to start somewhere and we would have to move along in time. I still don't quite know where I was trying to take this with Harry. Whether it was just trying to help him get better, or something more than that, I don't know. All that's certain is that I will do everything in my power to be there for him.

I thought harder about this as the night drew on, and I'm not sure what time or how I managed to drift off to sleep. But I do know that it was anything but peaceful as I dreamed of running after Harry as he slowly faded away out of sight. Only his voice left in his absence.

Help me.

So did you guys go back and reread the beginning of the book because of the changes I made? I like it so much better now and I still strongly encourage everyone to go reread it so you can catch up if you haven't already.

Comment what you guys think about this chapter, and the changes I made to the beginning of the book if you reread it :)


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