Chapter 9

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His lips were lightly pressed against mine. Barely touching. Not like a make out. Just kisses. His lips were soft. Baby soft, and plump as they continuously made contact with mine.

Harry's hand was still placed on my cheek, half cupping my ear. The other hand resting on my waist. We pulled back. Our noses touching. His breath fanning onto my face. As we pulled back in again I placed my hand on the nape of his neck. Pulling him closer in a way, I needed him closer. Not like he could get any closer. We were already leaning over the middle compartment to get to each other.

Once again we pulled back, are faces centimeters apart. I peered up into his eyes. The green orbs looking right back down at me. It was a different look though. One that had always been directed to other girls but never me. We sat like that for a bit. His thumb rubbing my cheekbone gently. I gave a small smile. This was actually happening. I bit my lip, looking back up at him. Even sitting his height was a ways beyond mine.

I played with the small curls at the nape of his neck causing him to shiver. I smiled as he gave a shy grin. He looped a loose hair back behind my ear. It was almost like what you see in the movies. Except it wasn't, because it was real, and it was happening to me.

He leaned in for one last kiss. Long, soft, and sweet. Then it was over. He got out of the car. Coming around to my side an opening the door. Once again offering his hand out for help off the high automobile. But once I was on the ground and walking, our hands were still entwined with each others. And that's how it stayed as we made our way up the driveway.

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