Chapter 29

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The morning after the party consisted of me baby sitting Lauren as she overcame her hangover. As she puked for her 3rd time in the last hour, I dropped her hair onto her back and covered my mouth with my hand. I was not going down with her as she threw up every content in her body. Excusing myself from the bathroom, I plopped onto the edge of my bed, heaving a sigh and falling back onto the mattress. So this was how my day was gonna go. My stomach churned as pictures of Lauren over the toilet replayed in my mind. Groaning, I grabbed a pillow, shoving it over my face and slightly hoping it would suffocate me and save me from now and whatever there is to come. Nothing ever went smoothly around here.

The room fell silent and I listened for Lauren's low cries but they never came. After a minute I began to worry and forced myself up off the bed to check on her. She was face first in the toilet, her soft snoring echoing lightly through the room. I gave a stiffled laugh, running my hand through my matted hair. Maybe this was my chance for a break. I padded downstairs, putting my hair into a bun as I went. Liam stood in the kitchen, making something I couldn't quite see but I could surely smell. 

"It smells delicious in here." I stated, taking a seat at the bar. No one else seemed to be awake yet and I was kind of relieved. I didn't feel like socializing at the moment or answering any questions about last nights infamous party. I shook the thoughts of last night out of my mind and returned my focus on Liam, and most importantly, food.

"Want one?" Liam asked gesturing to a folded object on the pan.

"What is it?"

"An omelet, they're good. I did learn from the best." He gave a smile as he said that last sentence.

He was talking about the time I made omelets for all the boys one morning before they headed out to the studio. It had been so long ago that I had even forgotten about it. But it was kind of endearing that they remembered, well at least Liam did. It was little things like that that made me love them. I had grown to be a better cook since then so maybe I could make something for them one day, that'd be a nice thing to do, right? I was so drained I couldn't think straight and I had forgot Liam had asked me a question.


"Oh sorry..yes please I'd love one."

Liam was right, they were delicious. Why didn't I make these more often? I finished within a minute and I began to rinse my dish in the sink.

"I think you make them better than I do." I smiled, placing the plate into dishwasher. I watched as he beamed at my compliment and I giggled. I'm happy that he found someone after him and Danielle split. I loved Danni to death but Sophia seems like a wonderful girl and Liam deserves someone as wonderful as him. 

I stood across from him as he ate. I guess he thought his food was rather good also because he finished quicker than I did.

"So when will I get to meet Ms. Sophia?" I asked with a playful grin.

He smiled as he took his last bite, placing his fork back onto his plate and wiping his mouth.

"Well tomorrow actually, we have a whole gang of people coming over."

"Why's that?" Great. More people.

"Ava, tomorrow's Christmas. Ya know, the holiday of family and friends..." he joked.

Shoot. I had forgotten all about Christmas despite my appearance at a Christmas party last night. I had no time to go last minute shopping, let alone any money to spend. I would feel terrible if someone got me something and I didn't have anything to give in return. The stress was returning and I put my head in my hands.

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