Chapter 56

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guys I'm so sorry for that last update. It was the part I had written on my phone and for some reason it posted that short snippet instead of the entire chapter I had saved on my computer. When I looked for it on my computer it was gone so I lost the whole chapter. So this was my third time writing this same chapter and I'm so frustrated it's crazy. Sorry for the wait but at least you know why it took so long now xx

"Ashton?" I breathed, yet at the same time no air traveled through my lungs.

Adrenaline flowed through my blood stream as I stared at him: scruffy, long hair that fell to his brow, his body obviously more built than I had ever seen it. But all the same, he peered back at me with that same goofy smile, his eyes slightly crinkling with delight.

There was no longer any trace of damage inflicted by Harry left on his face. That was what shocked me the most as I stood as still as stone, my eyes trained on his face. The wounds had been so bad when I'd first seen him; his cheeks dotted black and blue, and his lips completely busted. But his eye had been the most severe. Swollen, a nasty green and purple, and very blood shot. I remember being horrified at how Harry had had the capability to do that to someone.

So seeing Ashton today without so much as a scar was like a breath of fresh air, for myself and Harry. If he had left Ashton with any permanent marks there surely would be no way for there to ever be peace, he would be in debt to Ashton. I however, was just glad to see my friend living and breathing.

I shook my head in disbelief, my eyes beginning to fill with tears as I looked at him in front of me. It had been months since I'd seen Ashton; one day he was here and the next, gone. I thought it had been me, that my resentment after the party and Harry's outburst had made him leave. I thought he didn't want to be my friend anymore.

I sucked in a shaky breath, a tear escaping onto my cheek.

"Do you need a hug?" he smiled, satisfied with this reaction I was giving him.

My head dropped, my eyes squeezed shut as I forced the tears to stop. Immediately I felt his arms around me in a hug and I choked a sob, wrapping mine around him as well. I held his body tight , somewhat trapped in my arms as I hugged him, making him chuckle and his chest vibrate. 

"Ava, calm down."

I released him, pulling away to look at him with wide eyes. "I will not calm down," I fought, sealing both my feet to the floor with a stomp. "You left for 5 months without so much as a goodbye or a 'how are you' text every now and then. You just evaporated into thin air you asshole."

He returned a wide eyed look, and I heard a cough of a chuckle in the back of the room. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend Ashton." one of them said, and I instantly turned around to glare at their innocent expressions.

"I'm not his girlfriend," I snapped, eyeing each of them before turning around. My emotions were on a roller coaster right now. My shock turning into tears and then into irritation. And right now, I was very much irritated.

I peered up at Ashton, crossing my arms over my chest and pressing my lips together. "Explain."

His eyebrows rose."What?"

"Explain all of this." I spoke, motioning my hands around the room, not caring that we had an audience.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and stepping towards the door. "I'll explain on the way there."

"On the way where?" I asked, following him out of the room and back into the hallway, somewhat forgetting to say goodbye the other guys. Not like it mattered, they probably thought I was a bitch by now. Not seeing someone for half a year and yelling at them when I finally did. I myself didn't understand it, but right now, all my sense seemed to waver. All I knew was that Ashton was here again after 5 months, and I didn't know which emotion to feel about it.

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