Chapter 47

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"What?" I croaked, my knees still huddled to my chest.

He crossed the room so he was standing in front of the couch I sat on. "Come to the flat." he said more eagerly than last time. It was such a spontaneous thing to say and I think he realized this too after he said it. But none the less after registering the idea he only seemed to like it more. "Please," he added after a few seconds. "I need you there." His words came out small and once again his pure honesty dug into my heart and in seconds I was hesitantly standing up.

"You're coming?" he asked, almost in disbelief.  I meagerly shook my head yes, even though my brain screamed no. There really was no good reason to leave with Harry besides the fact that I desperately needed to get out of this house that I was growing to hate so much. 

As I packed my stuff into a small bag and walked silently out to the car with Harry in tow, I began to regret not putting up more of a fight to the idea. I needed time to regenerate, to be with myself. And besides the fact that that's all I've done the past week, it seemed I still needed more time.

I became anxious as we got out of the car and walked into the flat. I had been preparing myself to be bombarded with cliche questions as we walked through the house. The 'How are you?' 'Are you alright?' 'Where have you been?'

But instead it was quiet and I turned to look at Harry, a quizzical expression set on my face. He answered as if reading my thoughts. "They all went to lunch."

"And you stayed home?" I asked as he followed me up the stairs and into my room.

"Well I could've either gone with them or gone to see you." he paused a moment, "I chose you obviously." 

I turned to look at him as I leaned against the dresser, studying his face as he looked down silently then glanced back up. 

"I'd choose you any day."

My insides began to flutter but I forced it to stop. I reverted from his gaze and began unpacking my things and putting them into their usual drawers. Harry all the while sitting patiently on the bed, watching me as I did so.

"How did you know I was home anyway?" I asked, briefly looking over my shoulder at him. It was quiet for a moment and I could tell he was pondering my question.

"I always know where you are, whether you like it or not." he said simply. 

At first I was taken back by his answer but I quickly recovered. This was a part of the new Harry, I reminded myself. It's his mind set and how he works. I always seemed to forget Anne's advice, Harry's life was completely focused on me and I would have to live with it. Though I usually avoided her exact explanation of his mental workings, mostly because they used the words 'obsession' and 'stalker' and were always directed towards me.

"You know I never remember you being this talkative," I said sarcastically, turning around to face him, my hands resting on the dresser behind me. He cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," I say, walking over to the bed and sitting cross legged next to him. "I used to have to beg you to talk. I remember sitting in your room for hours basically talking to myself in attempt to have a conversation with you."

He didn't respond, his gaze set harshly on the ground below us. For a moment I felt as if maybe I had gone too far but he soon relaxed and turned to look at me. His eyes studying my face then falling onto my bare neck.

"What?" I said hesitantly as he scrunched his eyebrows.

"The necklace." he responded lowly, examining my neck again. "You're not wearing it."

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