Chapter 24

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I lifted my head off my arms as the sound of the door closing shook me back to conciousness. My cheeks were sticky and left red marks on my arms. My mental state still wasn't all the way there as I peered around the room. Squinting at the clock I saw that it read 3:32. My stomach plunged and I jumped up from where I sat. I had practice at four and I have thirty minutes to get ready and be at the gym before my coach ripped my head off.

Quickly rushing to the bathroom I washed all the make up off my face, leaving behind a puddle of water on the counter. I pulled on my practice wear and did my hair up in a high ponytail before adding in the practice bow. Grabbing socks and my shoes I scrambled towards the door in full panic mode. As I rushed out I stopped to glance in my reflection in the mirror. I really did look awful, not that I ever went to practice in pounds of make up. But my previous distraught state was definatley noticable. By my puffy eyes,  red cheeks, and tired appearance, it looks like I just crawled out of bed. Which I did, but it's not like I wanted everyone to know.

Prying myself away from the mirror I continued downstairs, taking two steps at a time. I hurried into the theater room, following the sound of voices. Everyone hushing as I step into the room, suddenly making me feel uncomfortable. They all had obviously heard my outburst earlier, but I pushed that to the back of my mind for now as I regained a small amount of confidence. 

"I need somone to take me to practice." I squeaked, my voice failing on me.

Everyone stayed quiet, exchanging glances, and for a moment I thought no one would offer.

"I'll take you." Niall smiled and stood up.

I let out a small breath of relief and followed him out to the car. I pulled on my shoes, one by one and tied them tight. Leaning back in the chair I looked at the small car clock. 3:46. We should make it on time. I let my eyes close. It had been a long day. I talked to Harry for the first time in two years, argued about my purpose here with Lauren, and now cheer practice. Thank god for Christmas break or else I'd be continuing this hell starting at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow morning for school. 

"So where am I going exactly?" Niall said with a hint of humour in his voice. 

"Oh sorry," I stuttered. "Cheer athletics gym, in Altomonte.. "

He just gave a small nod in response, the car silent as we drove. I prayed that he would turn on the radio, something, anything to break this atmosphere. My attention was kept out the window. Acting as if the blur of trees was more interesting than anything in the radius. There was so much I wanted to ask him. Tell him, just talk to him. But I couldn't seem to move my mouth.

"We missed you."

I flipped around to look at him, he kept his eyes focused on the road. My heart was pumping a million miles an hour as I ran his words over and over in my mind. 'We missed you.' It was everything I wanted to hear.

"I missed you guys too.." I whispered, looking down at my thighs. 

He pulled my hand out of my lap, grabbing it in his and squeezing gently. If anything, I had missed Niall the most out of everyone. He had really grown up since I had seen him. His maturity showing  in everything he's done so far. If he wasn't driving I would've jumped the middle compartment and hugged him. We sat in silence for a minute before I dared to speak.

"How have you guys been?" I asked, my voice low. Looking out the window as I waited for his reply.

"Do you want the real answer or a satisfying one?" he laughed. I missed that laugh so much.

"Real." I smiled. I found myself actually wondering how they had been. About what it had been like for them. Were they miserable? Did they spend every waking moment thinking about what if they had done something differently? 

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