Chapter 49

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I woke up early that next morning. For the first time in a while, I was actually excited for school. Maybe it was because I was eager to impress my teachers with all my finished make up work, or maybe I was just excited to be joining the high school routine again.

Never the less, I was ready. I actually managed to look presentable too. My long hair was straightened and I wore my favorite washed out jeans with a simple black v-neck. I grabbed my bag and followed Lauren out the door. Even though Lauren was no longer enrolled in our high school, she promised to give me rides and meet me for lunch so I wasn't alone.

She had decided a couple weeks ago that she would rather do online schooling than public and surprisingly the system let her off easily. Her silence towards me had somewhat worn off, but I still felt the need to question her every once in a while. There was something she wasn't telling me; That I was sure of. But until I could get to the bottom of it, I would have to ignore it.

I waved bye to her as she pulled out of the school lot, a sympathetic smile on her face as she drove away. The first thing I did was go to my locker, grabbing my books for my first class and the make up work that went along with it. The bell soon rang and I was off.

And that's how the day went. It was kind of a burden having to run to my locker and back in between classes, but it was only for today. Only until all my old work was turned in and entered into the grade book. Only until my average of C's in every class turned back to B's and A's.

Lauren came by at lunch which was nice and she brought some McDonalds with her. I was grateful for this when I realized in 3rd period I had forgotten to pack a lunch and I could already hear my growling stomach.

Lunch ended and I continued on with my day, which was actually going pretty great to be honest. I was never one for school, but sitting in class in 5th period made me realize I would very much rather come to school everyday than sit at home and be sad. Anything was better than being sad. Anything was better than sitting at home in bed, wallowing in self loathe. Even school.

Sixth period came and I found myself walking faster to class than usual. But I knew I only did this because Ashton was there. And despite what happened at that party, he was the closest thing to a friend I had in this school since Lauren left.

It was after I had turned in my late work to the teacher and taken my seat behind Ashton in class I made the move to talk to him. Usually he would've said something to me by now and I immediately knew something was up when he stayed facing forward, almost frozen.

I lightly tapped him on the back, making sure not to startle him. "Ashton?" I said softly, trying to avoid capturing the teacher's attention from the front of the room. I could see him tense and I suddenly became nervous.

What if he didn't wanna talk to me anymore after what happened? What if he didn't want to be my sorta kinda friend anymore? He slowly turned around in his seat, and the second his full face came into view I gasped, my hand flying over my mouth at the sight in front of me.

"Ms. Ava Marie, is there a problem?" 

I shakily turned my attention to the teacher at the front of the classroom. A stern glare was shot my way as I silently shook my head no, my hand still covering my mouth in awe. The teacher turned away from me, continuing the lecture on the proper handling of a baby, but I wasn't listening.

I looked back over to Ashton who was still turned facing me, his gaze set on the ground shamefully. His right eye was completely black and purple, as if someone had taken a paint brush and gone crazy. It was swollen quite a bit and I could tell it hurt by the way he winced after every blink. 

I continued to scan his face, finding yet another bruise underneath his jaw, and a thick gash in his lip, a scab slightly covering the rip it the pink skin. I shook my head in shock. Forcing his eyes to look up at mine. "Who did this to you?" I whispered, glancing up at the teacher then back at him.

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