Chapter 21: 2 years later

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Before I start this chapter I want you guys to know why I'm starting it the way that I do, I need Ava to be older in the story because I realize doing the things I have planned her to be doing and acting later in the story I need her more mature. A 15 year old just didn't do it for me :-) (she is now 17 getting ready to turn 18)

2 1/2 years later:

I lie on my bed, music from my earphones fill my ears as I type away on my phone.

to Lauren:

*where are you? I'm bored out of my mind* Send.

*I'll be there soon chill*

*hurry up*

I groan and squirm my head further into my pillow. Lauren had planned this surprise for me tonight and refused to give me and idea of what it might be. I hate not knowing, it makes me feel out of control. Which in this case, I am.

My door opened and my mom stumbled in with a bundle of clothes in her arms.

"Knock?" I scoff and squint my eyes at her before pulling my earphones out.

"If you weren't blasting that music into your eardrum you would have heard me little miss." she teased, opening my dresser and putting all the clothes away.

I rolled my eyes, bringing my attention back to my phone. I didn't mean to be in a crabby mood. Lauren was just stressing me out with these plans tonight. Why couldn't she just tell me?

She finishes putting the clothes away, starting to make her way out of the room but stops midway. Giving me a look and sighing she walks over to my bed, taking a seat on the edge.

I look up at her over the brim of my phone. "What?"

Her face was soft as she fiddled with her fingers as she does when she has something to say.

"Mom," I snap, getting her to peek up at me. "What's wrong?"

Heaving one last breath she grabs my hand, looking me nervously in the eye. What is going on?

"They're back in town."

She doesn't even have to say who, I already know who she's speaking of. I force my eyes away from hers, not wanting to think of my last memory of the boys that hurt me so bad 2 years ago.

My silence eggs her on. "Ava I really think you should talk to them, it has been 2 years since you've spoken a word to them,"

She was right, about the second part at least. Ever since that night of the fight I've lost contact with them. Not to say they have tried to speak with me multiple times, but every time they did text or call, I didn't answer. Why would I?

"Don't you think its time?" she says almost whispering.

I droop my head, refusing to look at her knowing it would only make me cave. My mom was my weakness, my world and my bestfriend at times besides Lauren. I told her everything and she listened. She knew what happened with me and the boys and brings it up as least as possible.

Unlike Lauren. Shocking to say it but her and the boys are really close. Figuring her and Niall have been dating for almost a year now. It hurts me whenever she brings them up. Talking about a fun time she had with them, when of course I wasn't there.

Most of the time she stops herself in her tracks and changes the subject, but not always. I don't blame her and try not to get mad, it was MY decision to leave them in my past.

"Ava?" my moms calm voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize I was crying until she wrapped me in her arms as I pressed my head into her chest.

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