Chapter 27

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It had been a couple days since my talk with Louis, and the atmosphere around the flat had already lightened. Everyone seemed to know that all was good between Louis and I. Wait, was all good between us? It had only been a couple days...

Stop it Ava. Of course all was good. Better than I was expecting it to be at this point. But then why was I still on edge? I already knew the answer to that question, and it was living across the hall from me. Pushing my thoughts away, I came back to reality and listened into the conversation between Lauren and Liam. 

We had all gone to lunch at this foreign Chinese cuisine restaurant across town. Niall convinced me into ordering something I couldn't even pronounce and ended up having to point to what I wanted to the waiter. Sticking my tongue out at him from across the booth, I took a sip of my drink and rested my head in my hand. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood today. Even Harry. Well he was in an acceptable mood and offered a smile every once in a while. 

Despite my feelings toward him at the moment, I couldn't seem to peel my eyes away from him. He looked fantastic, his hair pushed back into a black beanie and a maroon t-shirt hugging his pex. I didn't notice he had gotten his ears pierced until now. His beanie pulled the hair away from his ears, exposing the small black gauges. Never being one to like piercings of any sort on guys, I was surprised at my sudden attraction towards the small things. I watched as he let out a small chuckle to a comment someone had made, but I didn't care enough to look away and find out. His perfect teeth bit down on his tongue to hide his laughter and I wanted to tell him to stop. Why wouldn't he give himself the joy of a laugh? That was the one thing I hadn't heard the whole time I've been here. His laugh. Probably because the whole time has been spent on torturing me.

He glanced over at me but held his gaze as he realized I had been staring. His mouth pressing into a fine line as I quickly snapped my head away. The embarrassment showing on my cheeks and I took another nervous sip out of my soda. I tried to listen in on the conversation but I couldn't seem to focus on anything. Even as our food arrived I couldn't seem to take a real bite. Only small picks here and there. I placed my fork down on my plate and checked my phone. A text from Jamie.

From: Jamie

Don't forget about the party tonight! See you and Lauren at my place at 6, dress nice!

Shit. I had forgotten all about the party. What am I gonna wear? I'm sure Lauren hadn't packed me any real dressy clothes. I hadn't told Lauren about the party either, and she's supposed to be coming. I checked the time, it was 2:46. Damn it.

"Lauren," I nudged at her side with my elbow. 

"Hmm?" she noised, her mouth full of food. I rolled my eyes and continued.

"I forgot to tell you, Jamie's having a christmas party tonight and I promised her you and I would come."

"What? What time? I have nothing to wear Ava, why didn't you tell me earlier!" she swatted at me mildly frustrated.

"I forgot okay.." I mumbled rubbing my now pink arm. "It's at 6 and it's okay I don't have anything to wear either. Do we have time to go shopping real quick?"

"Well we better go now," she grumbled, taking one last bite of her food before shoving me out of the booth. "We'll be back, we have to go by the mall real quick." she said to rest of the boys, climbing out of the booth behind me.

"What? Why?" Niall questioned.

"Jamie from Ava's cheer team's having a party at 6 and we have nothing to wear."

"You also don't have a car to get there and back may I remind you." Niall stated, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Can't you drive us?" she whined, slumping her shoulders like a child pouting.

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