Chapter 42

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I was slightly shaken awake to a presence with me on the bed. As if it was even possible, my body relaxed more and another sheet of comfort came over me. I knew it was Harry. Only he could bring this sort of peace. This sort of pure bliss. It was a kind that no one, not even my own mother could bring me. And for this reason, I was slightly frightened. But right now I wasn't. I was too focused on the feeling of protection over me. Despite his presence in the room, I kept my eyes shut. I could tell he was sitting up beside me, but I was laid on my side, facing the other direction. Not saying a word.

"I know you're awake." he spoke lowly, and I could hear the small smile in his voice.

I opened my eyes, but stayed facing the other way, still not speaking a word. My hands were pressed in between my cheek and the pillow, and I squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze. I was slightly relieved when I felt him lay down beside me, tugging up the covers and returning his lower legs to their usual position in between my feet, just so he was barely touching me. Never the less, it was comforting. To both of us.

"What happened"

I let out a deep sigh as he spoke the words. It amazed me how much Harry seemed to know me. He always knew. I guess it's not that hard to tell really, every time I always end up near him. He makes me feel better. And for that same reason is why I ended up here, lying next to him in his bed. I needed him near me.

"School." I whispered and immediately felt tears prick behind my eyes. But I didn't let them escape. Not this time. And amiss the silence that followed, I felt Harry's timid hand on my back. And the feeling that his touch gave me was enough to make me turn around towards him, and curl up into a  ball on his bare chest. I could feel him tense up under the sudden and unexpected contact, but never the less his hand continued to press onto my back. As if he was unsure what to do.

But I only scooted closer, needing his warmth, his smell, him. I softly nudged my face in the crook of his neck, my cheek on his collarbone. His sweet scent invaded my senses, the faint hint of vanilla floating through the air. I felt his firm stomach rise and fall as his breaths slowed but remained shaky. My thoughts began to race, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. I shouldn't have been so bold and caught him off guard. I was being selfish and was only trying to make myself feel better. Not thinking about how he would react to my actions.

But surprising enough, Harry slowly raised his arm, carefully wrapping it behind my back and hooking it under my side. He delicately pulled me closer, bringing me deeper into his smooth chest. With my ear now against his middle, the rapid pace of his heart became present. I could tell he was stepping out his comfort zone to do this, and a small smile immediately spread across my face.

And that's how we fell asleep. Me buried in his chest with his arms wrapped protectively around me. Our bodies pressed together in the most innocent yet intimate way for us.

I went to school in a good mood the next day. I ignored it when Lauren ditched me before homeroom, I ignored it when the preps snickered at me when I walked by them in the hallway. I even ignored it when the boy in 6th period made perverted comments about my leggings. Really, all I didn't ignore was the fact that in less than an hour, I would go home to Harry. And that's all I could seem to think about.

Last night's event only seemed to make the ever growing connection between us closer. Besides Lauren, who I'm not even sure of now, Harry was my favorite person. "Best friend" didn't seem a  suitable name for our relationship. Were we friends? Yes. But somehow, were more than that. 

"Best friends don't sleep in the same bed half naked." Lauren had said, a couple nights ago. And she was right. Best friends didn't do that. But were not like normal people. We both have our own demons we're trying to overcome, but we're doing it together. Harry's now been regularly taking his pills, and I only catch him talking to himself or breaking down maybe once or twice a week. But they're nothing compared to what they used to be. I sit in seventh period and shudder at the thought of the times I'd walk in on Harry lying on the ground, trembling and holding his hands over his ears. As if he released, something would come out of the dark and grab him, and that would be the end.

But now he has me, and I have him. And that's the way it'll stay, until something physically drags me away from him forever. And even then I'd try to get back to him. Everything seemed to be going okay.

But that was until I walked in from school on Harry sitting in his room with scissors in his hand. And until all hell broke loose.

Sorry for the wait! I had writers block and that's why it's such a short chapter, forgive me I love you all. -kenzie

AberrationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora