Chapter 16

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It was 3 days later when I couldn't hold it in anymore. I sat in the den staring at the black screen of the TV when Louis walked in.

"Well hello lovely." Louis smiled, leaning on the counter.

"Hey," I breathed, giving a weak smile.

His eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

The guilt was eating me alive. How could I not tell him. He was bound to find out sometime, and I'd rather it be straight from me.

"Louis I have to talk to you," I sat up straighter, folding my hands into my lap. My heart beating out of my chest.
"It's about Harry..."

"What about him?"

"Yeah, what about me?" Harry said entering the room giving me a look.

My stomach insides threatening to come back up. I stuttered, looking at the two of them back and forth.

And the next thing I knew, I was bent over hurling my last two meals all over the marble floors. I coughed, holding onto my churning stomach.

Louis gasped running over to where I sat, hoping over the mess.

He picked me up by my armpits, bringing me into the kitchen and sitting me down.

"Harry get her a glass of water," he snapped scanning my face.

"You're pale, are you okay?"

I nodded, wiping my mouth.

Harry walked over cautiously, as if I would spring up and attack him at any moment. Placing the glass in front of me he stepped back watching me.

"Thanks." I said dully, not bothering to look at him, and taking a drink.

"Go upstairs and get a shower, I'll clean up down here." Louis said patting my hand and heading to the cleaning room.
"Harry, if you wouldn't mind taking her upstairs?

He nodded, helping me up and holding me around the waist as we made our way upstairs, keeping his distance as to make sure not to get soiled if I decided to upchuck again.

I pulled away from him, not giving him a second look before leaving to the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

Striping of my clothes I stepped in the shower, standing and letting the water cascade over me for a good amount of time.

It was an hour or two before I actually got out, going into my room and changing into sweatpants and tank top.

I felt better. What made me throw up my guys onto the floor I have no idea. All I know is that when I saw Harry give me that look when he heard Louis I wanted to run and hide then and there.

Sighing, I climbed in bed, snuggling deep into the covers. I forced myself to sleep, to just be calm for a little.

I awoke to my door opening and weight being pressed on the bed. But I already knew who it was. I kept my eyes closed, hoping maybe they'd leave.

"Ava I know you're awake."

But I kept my eyes shut. Not moving a muscle. They breathed out heavily.

"Why were you gonna tell Louis."


"Ava, please answer we need to talk about this."

Thats when I opened my eyes, turning to look at a worried Harry.

"Whats there to talk about? Louis is gonna find out and I want it to be in the right way. Simple as that."

"It's not that easy Ava. Once he finds out he'll never talk to me again, he's my bestfriend I can't let that happen."

I looked at him, squinting my eyes.
"Do you not think I know that? Im his sister, he won't like me to much either after. But you know whats worse? Keeping it from him and then him finding out. He'll get over it if we tell him ourselves, but being sneaky after how close he is to both of us, he'll never trust us again Harry."

The room fell silent as my words lefty mouth. I was right. He knew I was right. But he's so stubborn.

"Harry we have to tell him."

He sat on the edge of my bed, looking at me, his eyes searching mine. And with one last look, he took his hand in mine. We left my room and walked down the hallway to the stairs. Stepping down hand in hand and right into the kitchen to where Louis sat.

His eyes looking at us, then landing on our connected hands. Only one emotion showing on his face.


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