Chapter 13

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Harry's POV:

The sound of car doors woke me from my nap. Groaning, I opened my eyes, pulling up my jeans from my waist.

The door closed and in walked Niall, Ava, and....Lauren?

"Just wake up?" Niall said stiffling a laugh and placing his keys on the counter.

"Yeah.." I said softly, my eyes watching the girls run upstairs. I gave Niall a confused look as Ava shut the door to her room.

"I thought they hated each other?" I said squinting my eyes.

"They made up I guess." He shrugged grabbing a juice box and bouncing upstairs.

Ava's POV:

I closed the door to my room after getting weird looks from Harry. If I were him Id be confused too. After all thats happened with and because Lauren the past days, I wouldn't expect seeing us together either.

Pushing it out of my mind, I hopped on the bed next to Lauren, spending some much needed time.

For the next two hours we sat listening to music and talking about anything that came to mind.

Simple things like this I loved. Who needs to go out and spend a ton of money at a restaurant or theme park when you can stay home and hang out with people you love.

My stomach growled, waking me from my thoughts. I swung my feet off the bed and headed for the door.

"Im getting food, want anything?" I asked, leaning my head over my shoulder.

"No thanks." Lauren said with a quick smile, returning her attention to her laptop.

I sighed, stepping out of the room and tip toeing downstairs. It was quiet as I padded into the kitchen. Where was everyone?

I opened the fridge grabbing a container of mixed fruit and a water bottle. I closed the fridge to a figure leaning on the other side of the door.

I jumped back almost spilling the fruit. "Dear god Harry are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I said breathing out.

"If im lucky." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and continued out of the kitchen.

"Oh, and by the way," Harry called out as I reached the base of the stairs, "You're out."

I spun around, "Im out?"

"Yup," he said smirking and waltzing toward me, his hands shoved in his pockets. "You got your strike three. You're out, I win the bet."

"And what exactly was my strike three?" I questioned.

"You admitted over the phone you liked me. If I'm right, thats a pretty solid strike three."

At first I was taken back. Over the phone? But then realization flooded over me from the night of our date. I was on the line with my cousin and was talking about Harry. So once again he had been eavesdropping. I cursed to myself, I needed to start being more careful.

"Ever heard of privacy?" I scoffed, taking multiple steps towards him.

But my anger only made him laugh. He closed the distance between us, latching his hands onto my waist and leaning his head in close.

"See you tonight." and then with a quick wink, he left down the hallway.

I stood there in shock. What just happened. I began to move my feet slowly upstairs. He won. Those two words replayed in my mind over and over. I walked in my room, closing the door behind me. Plopping myself and the food onto the bed.

I guess my state was noticeable because Lauren was quick to react.

"Whats wrong?"

I just shook my head. No words coming to mind except the same two I had been saying.

"He won."

"Who won?" she said quickly sitting up.and grabbing hold of my arm.

"Harry," I said slowly, "He won the bet."

"Oh." Lauren said looking down, "How? I thought you had one more strike?"

"He heard my talking on the phone with my cousin, I admitted to liking him. He won."

But suddenly a thought rushed to my mind. Louis. I had promised him brother sister time tonight. I could get out of the bet...well at least till tomorrow night.

I quickly told Lauren my findings, waiting for her response.

"Well go now! Go tell Harry your gonna have to cancel." She said with a sly smile.

Popping a strawberry in my mouth, I ran downstairs and to the theater room where all the boys were gathered. Shoot.

I can't tell Harry with Louis in the room. Louis can't know. Maybe if I can get Louis to mention our plans tonight, then Harry will take the hint.

"Hey Louis," I said with a smile walking over to the couch and sitting down in between him and Harry and leaning against him.

"Hey kiddo." he replied, roughing up my hair.

"Im excited for our plans tonight." I said with a smile making sure my dimples showed. My words caught Harry's attention, his eyes snapping towards me.

"Oh yeah," Louis said his eyes wide, "About that, im sorry Ava but I can't tonight. Simon got me tied up last minute with plans for our new album."

My heart sunk and I could see a smirk grow on Harry's face out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh." I mumbled keeping my stare on the ground. Just my luck.

"Tomorrow night?" Louis said with a reassuring smile.

I nodded and let him give me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Great, now me and the other lads are off for the night to the studio. Harry will be here though so no worries." he said standing up leading the rest of the boys out of the room, and leaving me and Harry alone in the theater.

Harry stood up, straightening his pants and standing in front of me, commanding my eyes to meet his.

Taking my hand he pulled me up from the sofa, pressing me to his chest. He slowly leaned his head down to my face, whispering in my ear.

"Nice try babe, see you in 20 minutes."

And with that, he left.

I worked hard on this chapter! Everything I write isn't pre planned and comes to my mind when I'm writing.

Thank you guys for reading :) don't forget to comment and vote!

Kenzie xoxoxo

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