Chapter 14

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I took a deep breath. Looking down over my sweatshirt and nike pros I still had on from this morning.

I quickly sent Lauren a text message telling her to stay in my room and I might be a while. Hopefully she'd take the hint our diversion plan with Louis didn't work out quite so well. And now, I take my punishment.

Once again taking a deep breath, I knocked on Harry's door softly. Almost hoping he wouldn't hear and I could just go back to my room. My stomach was in knots, bouncing around my body as I heard footsteps from the other side of the door.

The knob twisted and the door was slowly swung open revealing a devious looking Harry.

"You came." he grinned, motioning me inside his room.

"Well what else was I supposed to do?" I said back harshly. Only making him smile more.

"Run and hide," he said with a smirk, taking my hand in his. "But I'd find you."

He lead me to the middle of the room, sitting down and patting his lap. I rolled my eyes trying but failing to hide a smile as a blush flushed my cheeks.

I sat down as told in his lap, making my bottom hit his crotch more than needed. He winced in pain with a short groan before placing his head on my back in agony.

I smirked, feeling a little better after letting my anger out.

"You think its funny?" Harry mumbled into my neck sending chills up my spine. I tensed as his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. His chuckle being felt through the vibration of his chest onto my back.

"Do I make you nervous?" he said slowly moving his hand down to my thigh. I shook my head no, not letting him know of my current stage.

He ran his finger tips higher up my inner thigh , making my breath hitch as he neared my bikini line. I quickly squirmed away from his reach, crawling across the floor on my knees.
Reaching his bed and climbing on it, then pulling my knees to my chest as I tried slowing my breathing.

"So I do," he said smirking shifting his weight to his feet and casually walking over to the bed where I sat huddled.
"I would never mean to scare you.."

But his eyes showed the opposite as he sat on the edge of the bed taking my face in his hand but never breaking eye contact. They were full of intentions, good or bad I wasn't sure.

His face slowly neared mine, his position on the bed shifting as well as mine. Our bodies nearly in complete contact, his face centimeters from mine.

His hot breath fanned my face as he spoke loud enough for only me to hear.
"Relax Ava, I'm not gonna hurt you."

A smirk tugging at his mouth as he spoke those words. And then, his lips wear on mine. Moving softly with mine as if trying to tempt me. His tongue moving in and around making constant contact with mine.

My lips still pressured to his mouth as he stood on his knees, pressing my waist to his. His lips were so kissable, and soft. He tasted sweet.

As we pulled away for breath our noses stayed touching. Our eyes locked as he stroked my cheekbone with his thumb.

"Better than I thought.." he mumbled before bringing our lips back into contact. His sly smile felt as we moved in unison.

My heart had settled by now. I was fully concentrated on the present, and the feel of him against me. His hands still settled on my waist as I roped my arms around his neck. We pulled back once more. Our eyes settling on each other's once again, but in a different way. They were soft looks as his eyes took mine in.

"I like you Ava.." Harry murmured still looking into my eyes. His words played in my mind as I realized what he had said. He likes me.

I ran my fingers through his waves on the nape of his neck still never breaking contact with his eyes or body.

"I like you too." I whispered almost impossible to hear, but he did. A side smile showing his dimples spread across his face as he looked down at my lips, kissing them softly once more before turning my around. My back to his front as we laid down onto his master bed. My finger tracing his tattoos as his arms were still wrung around my waist holding tight.

We laid in silence. The room growing dark around us as the night went on. Talking softly to each other as if we had something to worry about. It was perfect. I twisted around towards his now shirtless chest, as he had shed his top minutes before. I nuzzled my head into his chest, his warmness transferring to my body.

Closing both our eyes we laid huddled to each other. Not sleeping, but not awake. And thats how it stayed for a while.

A sound shook us both out of it not long later. Quickly getting up I peeked out Harry's window, seeing the rest of the boys had just arrived. I headed for the door as Harry reached for my hand grabbing hold of it.

"No, don't go." he grumbled softly pulling me back to where he laid in bed and hugging me tight.

"Harry I have to, the boys are here." I said with a small smile. He pulled me on top of him so I was laying directly on his chest. Looking up at me and placing a kiss on my lips before letting me go.

I rolled off him and out of his room, just as the boys walked in the front door. I padded down the stairs standing to the side of the couch.

"What are you still doing up little one." Louis smiled picking me up in a hug.

"I couldn't sleep, then I heard you guys outside so I came to say hello." I said resting my head in the crook of his neck.

He continued to chuckle, carrying me upstairs past Harry's room and into mine placing me on my bed next to a passed out Lauren. Giving an amused laugh as he looked at Lauren sprawled about my bed.

"Night Ava," he said kissing my head."Don't let the bed bugs bite."

He closed the door, leaving me to arrange Lauren's flung body parts in a way I could fit fully on the bed.

I sighed, pulling the covers up to my chin and closing my eyes.

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