Chapter 55

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"This is incredible," Niall gaped turning around again and again to get a full view of the stadium. It was about 10 in the morning and we were very much in Tampa.

I followed suit, spinning in circles to take in the enormity of the place. In the far right corner was a huge ship, a mascot for the place I assumed. It was hard to believe the boys had actually sold out the entire thing. What looked like thousands upon thousands of seats. So many I began to doubt that this quantity even lived in Florida. Even the seats practically behind the stage with almost no view what so ever were sold out. It was perplexing.

"It's amazing isn't it." Liam spoke, resting his hands on his hips and looking around.

"Yeah," I gaped softly, looking around the stage. I held back a yawn, not tired but still not fully awake. I had actually slept a good amount last night. That always seemed to be the case when he was with me; no matter how much I didn't like that fact. I hated being dependent on someone. For happiness or even sleep. I hated that someone could have that much of an effect on me. But somehow, he did.

 I decided to leave them be, sensing they were having sort of a sentimental moment. I walked off the stage silently, trying my best not to seem uncomfortable. The layout back stage was still completely foreign to me; hall ways leading this way and that. No sign of direction to help me out. I looked around for any sign of management or stage help, to maybe point the way out and back to the bus for me. But with no luck, I decided to take a leap of faith, choosing the hallway closest to my right.

I wandered the lengthy path anxiously, peaking in doors every now and then. It struck me how little people they had around at the moment. I should've ran into someone by now. Taking my bottom lip in between my teeth, I stress fully gnawed at the already chapped and cracked skin. My breathing picked up as I reached the end of the hallway, having no choice but to turn down another hall or go back. 

I looked behind me, double checking that someone hadn't been going the same direction as I that could be of help to me. I had never had a great sense of direction. "You've gotta be kidding me." I mumbled to myself, deciding to turn the seemingly endless path ahead.

But as I did so, my body collided with a hard surface, sending me stumbling backwards and relying on the wall a meter behind to catch me. I groaned as the wind was knocked from my gut, causing me to crouch slightly, my hands on my knees and head facing the ground.

"My bad!" a worried voice chirped. It was a guy. I could see the tips of black converse on the ground in front of me. I rose my head slightly. An awkwardly tall blonde boy stood in my view. His torso concealed by a red flannel along with relatively tight black jeans.

"Here," he said, offering a hand as well as a toothy smile. I accepted his hand cautiously, keeping my eyes on him as I pushed my hair out of my face. I brushed off my sweater, gripping the hems with my fingers.

I noticed the boy had a black ring in his lip, immediately intriguing me as it moved when he spoke again. "I'm sorry, I didn't even see you." he chuckled uncomfortably, shoving his hands in his pockets. I nodded, not knowing what to say. He rocked back and forth on his feet, obviously trying to be polite even with my silence. "I'm Luke," he offered, jokingly putting out his hand for me to shake loosely. 

His hands were rough and calloused, showing the signs of handy work of some sort. I let my arm fall back to my side. Becoming annoyed with myself, I pushed my shyness aside. "I'm Ava," I returned, trying my best at a smile. "Nice to bump into you."

He laughed, and it made me chuckle too. He glanced at his feet. "Are you lost or something? You look a little distressed."

I sighed, lifting my arms slightly and letting them slap my sides. "Yeah," I began, looking around the hall. "I'm trying to get to the guy's tour bus, but I couldn't find my way out of a box so.." I trailed off, poking out my lips.

The boy named Luke raised his eye brows. "The boys, as in One Direction?"

I nodded. "You know them?" I was slightly relieved. Maybe this boy could get me out this maze. I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a bunk and relax. Maybe call my mom.

"I'm part of their opening act." he nodded. Now it was my turn to raise my brows. "I could bring you back to the room with me and we could call the guys from there? I was heading up anyway." he suggested, chucking his thumb over his shoulder to point the direction.

I let out a breath of relief, pushing my hair back. "That sounds great actually."

He turned and I trailed behind him like a lost puppy. I was surprised at how easy he seemed to maneuver about the place, even though we had just got here. We walked in silence for a bit, and I tried my best not to seem uncomfortable. Luke, however, seemed to be quite content; his lips puckered as he whistled an unfamiliar tune. 

"So Ava," he began, holding a door open for me then following me through. "May I ask, how do you know the guys?"

I smiled nervously, somewhat expecting the question, based on his initial semi-shocked reaction.

"Louis' my half-brother." I nodded, watching his eyebrows raise, causing the corners of my mouth to move up slightly. "Yeah." I chuckled as he remained silent. We had been walking for a bit now and I began to wonder how I ever thought I could've found my way on my own.

"Well then I guess that settles that." he finally shrugged, giving a grin. 

"Settles what?" I asked with a small laugh.

"That you're more than likely off limits."

I paused in my step, stumbling but quickly recovering. My cheeks heated as I heard him chuckle, shaking his head and moving me along. His flirtatious compliment had caught me off guard. I was definitely flattered; Luke was more than attractive. But it felt odd having any sort of affection other than Harry's guarded kind. I'd feel almost dirty if I were to set my attention on anyone other than him. But Harry and I weren't even together. It was complicated.

I was relieved when Luke dismissed the topic; bringing me into one last short hallway and stopping at a shiny wooden door marked by a gold plate that read "private".

"Don't pay to much attention to the guys," he said over his shoulder, swiping his key card and pulling open the door. "I can't say they'll do the same to you."

Still slightly confused by his words, I stumbled into the room. Inside was a mess. Clothes, as well as trash and food littered the ground. I noticed multiple guitar cases slung across tables and in corners. He did say they were the opening act. 

"Luke," a voice whined. 

I followed the noise. My eyes landing on a boy with flaming red hair that immediately caught my attention. He tapped away on a rectangular device I assumed was some sort of game boy. It was only when he glanced up he noticed my presence. He slowly lowered the object, looking from me to Luke who threw his hands in the air as if he was presenting me to them.

At the same time, another boy entered the area, his steps coming to a stop as he peered over. He was a brunette; a fading blonde streak marking the lazy quiff. We all fell silent and I shuffled my feet awkwardly, desperately looking to Luke.

"Uhhh," said the red haired boy, the foreign device now tucked away. His posture now upright and leaning forward onto his knees. "Who's this?"

"This," Luke started, nudging me farther into the room. "Is Ava. She's Louis' half sister and she was lost." 

He walked past me, taking a seat onto the couch and leaning back. "And I, being the extraordinary guy I am," he placed his hands behind his head. "brought her here. She's in need of a telephone."

I glanced at them shyly, still not quite sure what to say.

"Oh," said the brunette, walking forward slightly. "Well, I'm Calum." he grinned, his cheeks lifting and reminding me of a small child's. I shook his hand awkwardly, mumbling a small hello.

"I'm Michael," the red haired boy hollered from the couch, giving a large wave and big smile.

"And I'm Ashton."

I turned around suddenly, meeting eyes with the chirpy boy. His eyes suddenly widened, realizing who I was. My mouth fell agape in confusion as well as slight shock. 

"Ava?" he spoke.


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