Chapter 20

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Dear who ever finds this,

I'm guessing it'll either be Harry or Louis, since you both usually check on me in the morning. But as you can tell. Today's different. I left. My mom returned home and I figured that was my sign to pack up. But it's not like my leaving will trouble anyone. I'm doing as I was told. I packed up and left. My mom came and got me. I cleaned up my room as good guests should do, because I am only a guest. And I left without waking anyone, I figured you'd read the note and understand. I don't think I'll be returning soon. For the best of us all. I've caused enough unneeded drama, within breaking my ankle and being a crappy sister who can't help but like who she likes. My mom will be leaving again soon next Wednesday for a 2 month trip. Im seeing to go with her to avoid you guys the trouble of housing me. I'll give you guys the space you need. I'm not sure when the next time I'll see or talk to you guys again, as I won't be answering any texts or calls. To spare both of us. I'll get over Harry as you so wanted Louis, but for that to happen, I won't see you guys for quite a while. It'll bring now unwanted emotions. And please, don't try and contact mom about any if this please. By the time you read this I've already told her as I'm telling you. She doesn't need to be pulled into this. I would like to apologize for all of this. Everything. I let my emotions get the better of me. I'm sorry. Tell the rest of the boys I love and miss them.

Lots, & lots of love,



I decided to make a chapter of the note found on the bed from the last chapter.

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kenzie xoxoxo

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