Chapter 25

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"Ava wake up."

I groaned, shoving my head farther into the cool leather seat of Niall's car. I didn't wanna get up, my tiredness had hit me like a truck as soon as I got into the car. Practice had drained me of all the energy I had in me, but I have to admit, even in this state I could tell I felt better. All the stress I had been holding was left back on that blue mat. It was just what I needed, hopefully no one would ruin it for me just yet.

"We're home, you gotta get up."

Without thinking I held my arms out, signaling him to pick me up. Realizing my actions I jerked my arms back to my chest, and I could feel my cheeks flush. I couldn't expect him to be so comfortable with me after two years of zero contact, I know I'm not that comfortable yet.

But to my surprise, he leaned into the car, scooping me up in his arms and huffing out a laugh. I tensed at his touch as it was unfamiliar to me. The only person who's ever carried me like this was....Harry. But I let my head rest on his chest as we entered the house. It was quiet as we traveled up the stairs.

"Where is everyone? It's still early." Surely they haven't gone to bed, it was only 8:30.

"I think they're outside on the porch, Louis gathered stuff for s'mores if you wanna come outside later." He smiled, placing me down outside my doorway. I nodded and gave a small smile. It was nice outside and s'mores sounded very appetizing right now.

Niall disappeared back down the stairs and I left into my room, heading straight to the bathroom. I could smell myself and I felt disgusting. Being dirty was my pet peeve. If I had to choose between eating 20 live beetles and not bathing, I'd eat the beetles.

I hopped in the shower, quickly washing my hair and body. I shaved my legs and cussed to myself as I nicked a spot on my knee. Finishing, I wrapped myself in a towel and padded back into my room. Dressing in a sweatshirt and sofies, I brushed the knots out of my hair and blowed it dry. By the time I finished it was 9 o'clock and I wondered if they were still outside. I peeked out my window, pulling back the curtain a sliver. They all sat in lawn chairs around a fire pit, the sound of muffled talking and  laughing vibrated through the window.

Taking a deep breath I brought the curtain back to it's original position. My heart pounded as I walked downstairs and out onto the patio. Maybe if I act casual it won't be so awkward. I took a seat next to Lauren who was in debate with Zayn about what sounded like the point of Hockey.

"It's a good sport, I don't know what you're talking about." Zayn argued, looking back at his now burnt marshmallow. 

"All it is is toothless druggies hitting a puck with sticks, then punching each other after every goal." Lauren spit back sassily. I smiled to myself at her assertion, Lauren was never one to loose a fight of any kind. She was relentless and kept at it until the other person eventually gave up, whether she was right or wrong.

I zoned out after that, looking into the fire and drifting off in my thoughts. The fire was warm and made the chilly night comfortable. Usually on nights like this I'd bring a blanket out with me and Louis and I would huddle for warmth together as he told me stories of his life as a child with my mom. Before I was born of course. But that was the past and now he sat meters away from me avoiding eye contact at all times. I wonder if he even wanted me here. Not like he couldn't send me away if he wanted too, he did it before. So I guess he must want me here, even just a lttle. 


Liam smiled at me and handed me a stick with a marshmallow on the end. 

"Thanks." I mumbled and reached the stick into the blaze of fire. Liam was the only one besides Louis I haven't talked to and I instantly felt bad. He hadn't even done anything to me.

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