Chapter 26

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I got up the next morning because I couldn't stand laying in bed. The silence was only allowing thoughts from last night to creep in.


"Harry please..."

"Shhhhh..." he silently hushed me, moving my hair back from my forehead with his thumb. 

He continued to rub circles on my temples, searching my face like I was some type of foreign object. My breathing was irratic and came out in small puffs. Swallowing my whimpers, I squeezed my eyes shut. I could feel him watching me, only a centimeter gap between our faces. His body pressed to mine, holding my back against the counter.


There was a sudden release and when I parted my eyes, he was gone. I searched the room but there was nothing. He had vanished. 

Liam walked into the kitchen, giving a confused look at my panicked state.

"Are you okay? You've been in here for a while."

I continued to look around the room, my breathing rate still high.

"Ava," Liam said grabbing my arm lightly. I looked up at him wide eyed, jumping a bit at his touch. "Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost.."

He obviously hadn't seen Harry. I slowly nodded, his concerned face relaxing a smidge as I gave a more confident smile. 

"Well are you going to come back outside?" he asked gesturing to the door.

I shook my head, "No..I um think I'm gonna go to bed, I'm really tired."

He gave small smile, "Okay, i'll tell the lads you went up, see you in the morning."

End of flashback:

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, feeling very uncomfortable with my eyes closed as I leaned over the sink. After repeatedly checking over my shoulder I finished up, brushing my hair and walking back into the room. Throwing on my Arctic monkeys t-shirt and leggings, I padded into the hallway, stopping in my tracks and peeking over at Harry's room. The door was open. I took a step closer and my stomach started to churn. I looked in once more, now standing beside his door frame. It was empty.

Ava don't do it. But I ignored my common sense as I tip toed inside. It looked the same inside. My heart panged a bit at the thought of all the nights me and Harry spent in here. Cuddled together on his bed, his head on my chest as we talked about everything, and anything. He was my everything.

I walked over to his desk, running my finger along the chipped wood. He had never really used it before. But papers scattered across the top of it caught my attention. I peered down at the scribbled on papers, but they weren't scribbles. They were drawings. I noticed the occasional phrase or words written between sketched lines and traced them with my finger. I never thought of Harry as someone to draw, especially not now. 

As I scanned the many papers, one caught my attention. I picked it up with a quavering hand, examining the crumpled piece. My breath hitched and I bit down on my tongue to avoid gasping. Shoving the paper in my bra I searched frantically through the pile on the desk. My eyes warmed as I practically tossed papers around the table.

The sound of feet on the stairs caught my attention. Someone was coming. I quickly pulled the chair out from under the desk, climbing down into the small section and pulling the chair back in front of me. My breath was shaking and I placed my hand over my mouth to block the noise. I watched as a pair of torn up boots walked inside the room. Swallowing down a cry I shrunk back, making sure I was out of sight. It was him. He didn't seem to notice the mess on the desk as he walked dangerously close. I could hear him opening draws from the dresser across the room and rummaging through them. I could see only half way up his shins but I knew he was gathering clothes. He must be going to shower, this would give me a chance to get out before he saw me. But then it went silent. 

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