Chapter 7

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The sound of the taxi screeching to a holt roused me from my short nap.

"C'mon sleepy head, time to go inside."

Raising my arm I blindly swatted at Harry's face before snuggling back into the warm seat. His chuckle bringing a slight smile to my face.

"Fine with me. I'll go inside, you stay here and keep the taxi driver company yeah?"

I quickly sat up to face him. Looking at him then the taxi driver before making up my mind and scrambling out of the car.

"Thought so."

Rolling my eyes at his comment, I stood on one foot waiting until Harry got my crutches out of the trunk. I took them, placing the top under my armpits and started climbing up the driveway. Half way to the door, I was already ready to get rid of the darn things. They were rubbing the underneath of my armpits raw and driving me crazy. I turned back to look at Harry who was just a few feet behind me.

"These stupid things are getting on my nerves."

"The doctor did say they were gonna be about we go inside and chat with the boys for a bit, then i'll take you out to get some cushions for the top of them?"

Nodding my head we continued up the driveway and into the house. Harry announcing our presence as we shut the door behind us.

"We're home!"

"Im here!" a faint voice yelled. We followed the voice into the theater room where everyone sat scattered about. Niall, Liam, and Louis on the couch, Zayn on the recliner, and Lauren scanning over the movies. As we walked into the room everyone turned to look at us. Their expressions turning from relief to confusion at the sight of my cast.

"What the hell?" Louis yelled, scrambling up from the couch and over to where me and Harry stood.

"What the hell happened?"

I shifted nervously.

"I um, broke my ankle..."

"Doing what?"

At this point everyone's eyes were on us.

"I fell out of a tree." I said quietly, embarrassed. It had barely been a week since I meet these guys and I was already starting chaos. This is why you don't go around people my conscious said.

Louis then turned to Harry shoving him back a bit.

"How could you let this happen?"

Harry stumbled back in shock at Louis' accusation. Even though Louis and I had met just a little while ago, he was already assuming his position as big brother. His protectiveness showing at times. Harry stood moving his mouth but few words coming out. He knew how Louis was and when Lou's mad you don't wanna say the wrong thing.

"I didn't know she was there I-"

"Bullshit Harry how could you not know-"

"Louis stop."

Everyone turned to face me surprised at my out burst.

"It's not his fault. I climbed up the tree myself. He didn't know I was even there until I fell. You guys were gone by then."

My voice quiet as I finished my sentence. It was silent. Louis looked back and forth at Harry and I. Sighing he looked at Harry embarrassed.

"Sorry man."

A slight smile returned to Harry's face.

"It's good."

Giving each other a brief side hug. I turned and placed my crutches on the wall, stumbling to the center of the room and taking a seat on the floor. Harry and Louis left the room, probably to go talk about my doctor schedule and such. We all chatted for a while. Me telling them about the doctors and them telling me about rehearsal.  I caught Lauren giving me glances every few minutes, but ignoring them. 30 minutes later Harry came back to the room, popping his head into the doorway.

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