Chapter 10

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Harry's POV:

We opened the door and walked inside. Our hands automatically untwining and returning to our sides as we entered the room.

I placed my keys on the counter, turning around just in time to see Ava stumble up the stairs, her bulky cast in trail. And to look at her butt if course.

"Find her some cushions?"

Louis had walked into the room, taking a beer out of the fridge and sitting on the sofa.

"Um yeah.." I said scratching the back of my head.

He gave me a strange look, "You good?"

No. I had just kissed your sister and if I tell you you'll probably hate me. And to be honest, when I leaned in for the kiss I didn't think of the consequences. Though the kiss itself was rather nice.

"Yeah, just had a long day."

"You were gone for a while."

I swallowed hard. I couldn't tell him about the date. So I did what I do best. Lie.

"Yeah, after we got her cushions we went for lunch and just talked for a to know each other a little better."


"Well I mean you might as well, you'll be spending a lot of time together now that shes around."

No kidding.

"That reminds me, " he said standing up. "I forgot to thank you for taking care of her after she fell today."

Now the guilt was really building. I shoved my hands in my pockets, swaying nervously.

"I'm glad to have helped."

He patted my shoulder edging toward the door.

"Thanks. Hey I'm sorry for blowing up at you." he apologized once again and I nodded in return.

Louis left towards the theater room, leaving me guilty and alone. But just like I usually do, I shrugged it off. I jogged up the stairs, heading to my room to take a nap. But as I past Ava's room I stopped at the sound of muffled talking. Putting my ear to door I listened.

"He kissed you?!"


Speaker phone. Silly girl.


"Well what?" I could her the annoyance in her voice and I chuckled to myself.

"Is he good?"

It was silent for a moment and I could practically feel her blushing.

"I don't know. He was my first kiss so I guess.."

Damn right I was.

"He was wasn't he?"

"We didn't make out..I don't know we just kinda kissed."

They both started laughing, causing me to smile. I haven't heard Ava laugh much before. It was a nice sound.

It was quiet again.

"So you really like him?"

"I don't know...I mean yes, yeah I do.."

"Then I'm sure he likes you too."


"But nothing Ava! Harry likes you"


"Oh shush."

I gave a small giggle.

"Alright I'll call you tomorrow?"

"And i'll be here to answer, bye."

I heard the phone being put down and foot steps padding towards the door. I quickly shoved my ear off the door and sped down to my room, running inside just in time to hear Ava open her door.

I hoped on my bed. Pulling my shirt off over my head and tugging the blanket up to my chin. Ava liked me. Plus she thought I was a good kisser. But strange enough, I think I liked her back. Which is a big deal for me.

Wait. Ava likes me. The bet. That's strike three. She actually admitted she likes me. The whole point of the bet was for her to prove she didn't like me. But she does.

In other words, I win.

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