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There are spirits, werewolves, vampires, demons, angels and many more in the supernatural world, but the gamers are the most dangerous creatures.

A gamer could be anything and everything.

There isn't good or bad gamers, they are designed for tricky nasty deeds. Evil is in their nature.

Love can't change that
Mia can't change him

In the city of Bradford, several murders occured since October 1st. A day passes, a member of the Harrisons dies viciously.

The police tried hard finding the murderer but he was like .........


David Whales has loved Mia since they were in 6th grade, but he perferred to gain her as a friend to losing her as a lover. But when Mia's neighbour falls as another victim of the daily murders and she calls David to move in with her, will he still prefer Mia as a best friend or will he finally break free?

"Fear the gamers." He shivered.

GamersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum