Chapter 4

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General POV.

Mia flinched at the words that rang through her head, David couldn't help but drop the book to his lap and stare at her through his reading eyeglasses.

"Mia, what is wrong with you?" He spoke irritatingly.

"I'm great, it's you who has been looking down lately." She replied.

"Don't turn this around, Mia. You don't accidentally break the mirror in my bathroom." At that last part that fell out of his pink lips, Mia felt confused. Real confusion.

"It wasn't even your bathroom! It was mine. Why'd you think I'd bring the hairdryer all the way to your bathroom mirror and break it?" She reasoned.

"What hairdryer? Mia, what are you talking about!? The bathroom is right there! Go see for yourself."

Since David moved in, he's had the small tub-less bathroom for himself and whenever he'd need a shower, he'd warn her first. And apparently the bathroom David referred to was not hers and she was positive she broke her bathroom's mirror.

She took slow, catious steps to David's bathroom. Not knowing specifically what to expect.

Not surprisingly, the mirror of the tiny bathroom was indeed shattered, but sweeped to the very end of the room. A pang of fright ran down her spine, she swallowed and turned to David.

"Mia, what's up with you? Do you wanna move out, like move in my apartment instead?" He offered and she gave a skeptical look toward the wall where the mirror once used to exist and nodded.

Maybe, her mind will stop the visioning by changing the atmosphere. She thought so, but never believed. She needed something more overpowering to think about. It was the only distraction and only way to ease the stream of consecutive uninterrupted thoughts and only David could fetch that.

"You're fine by it? Leaving? Leaving all behind?" He spoke feeling a beem of hope enlightening his dull worry.

"Yeah, I guess it's a fine distraction you know, cuz I seem to be exhausting over the incident here." She smiled suddenly eager to hear Harry's voice, to know his reaction.

"Well, let's get all packed up then." He said and they did.


"So, you got any plans?" She started as they drove past the murder house.

"As usual, I've got enough to keep you busy." He smiled braggingly.

"Is that so? I'll finish all before you even know it!" She dared.

"We'll see, but you know I've got work tomorrow, right?" He said reminding her that she'll be left alone with her thoughts, with no David.

"Yeah." She answered briefly.

"When are you going back to work?" He asked.

"I'm not. I've got enough money so I'll quit for now."

"Wow Mia! You're leaving Nathan in charge alone! He's gonna ruin it!" Nathan was another vendor in "Safety".

"I'm sure they'll get a replacement. Besides, he's not that bad! Why do you have a problem with him?" She inquired.

"The man calls me "danny boy" literally every time he sees my face." He reasoned and she started laughing.

"C'mon, he means no harm, you know it Danny boy."

"Yeah great, now you too." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Wait, aren't you with your relatives?" She asked awkwardly.

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