Chapter 2

144 9 3

1st of October 2015

General POV.

Mia had just returned to her humbled apartment after a long day in the shop. She worked in a small store that sold all sorts of mechanical tools called 'Safety'.

It wasn't the best job, but it was enough for her. Mia lived alone sometimes visited by her only best friend, David Whales. Her parents lived in New York where she was originally born. But an incident caused Mia to totally abandone the city, and David moved with her. Except of course, not in the same apartment. Just to keep her safe, he flied with her to Bradford, England. He had some relatives there to stay with.

He tried hard not to make Mia feel guilty for tearing him away from his family and friends in NYC,

But she wasn't aware of how David would give his life away just to see her smile.

The day was long and exhausting enough for Mia, but she couldn't leave Mr. Harrison without any care. Mr. Harrison was 80 years old and lonely. He had no one to take care of him and since Mia moved and introduced herself, she pitied the old man that she felt obliged to take care of him on daily basis.

Of course, daily basis reduced to thrice a week, then to twice a week, then to each Friday.

She held a packaged cake that she bought from the department store, and went to knock on Mr. Harrison's door.

She knocked three times and waited. No response. Again three knocks. No response.

She returned to her apartment and peeked through the only window that had a slight view of the balcony of the bedroom.

She couldn't figure what was going on, but there were two shadows. Mr. Harrison's shadow was backing away from a different one. It seemed to be a muscled man and by the looks of it he was approaching Mr. Harrison. It was creepy until the sight of a blade froze Mia.

The younger boy was holding a huge machete and seemed to be threatening Mr. Harrison.

Mia was frozen, she couldn't even scream as they slowly came in sight of the balcony. Only Mr. Harrison's back visible and he was starting to come in sight when the expected happened.

The blade sliced Mr. Harrison's neck with a whooshing sound. His head falling to the ground followed by his body. Mia gasped and screamed lightly, her hands shaking uncontrollably as they rose to cover her mouth.

The boy that never came in sight, didn't seem to be standing there anymore. Nor his machete either.

Mia, still frozen, shut her eyes tightly where tears leaped and ran down her cheeks. She knew she had to do something but she was now, full-on sobbing. Shaking and shrieking. She knew she had to stop and walked weakly to the bathroom, splashed her face with cold water and dialed the only number she had been using for a while. David's.

"Hello, you okay?" he answered groggily.

It took her a little while till she answered, her voice strained. "Mr. Harr- Harrison, jus- just.............. He just died." She couldn't stop the sobs.

"What? Mia oh my God! Where are you? Call the ambulance! Did he have a stroke or something. You know, just call 911 and wait for me, okay? I'm coming right away." He spoke quickly any grogginess disappearing from his now panicked voice.

She fumbled with the words as she called 911, she didn't dare move from her position leaning on the tub hugging her knees.

It was dead quite for a couple of minutes but fortunately the sirens interrupted her sobs. And a long while till the click of the door occured causing her to jump.

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