Chapter 15

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   I was awoken by a pounding on the door. I groggily got up and went to answer it. Dally was standing at the door with tears running down his face. I was shocked by the state Dally was in. He was shaking, bawling and hyperventilating. "Dally what's wrong?" I asked. "It's Mac, Ramsey. Those guys got to her again. They.. They... She's in a coma, Ramsey.." I pulled him into a hug trying to calm him down. "We'll go to the hospital. Go wait in the car while I wake up Johnny." I said as calmly as I could. I walked into Johnny's room to wake him up. After telling him what happened I was speeding to the hospital with a distraught Dally in my front seat and a nervous Johnny in the back seat. When we got to the hospital we went strait to Mac's room. She was on the ICU floor which was not a good sign at all. When I saw the state Mac was in my knees gave out and I fell onto the floor. I let tears roll down my checks as I stared at Mac laying pale and lifeless in the hospital bed. I could hear faint and quick footsteps approach the room. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. Soda's hand. I heard Ponyboy let out a gasp as he fell to his knees next to Mac's bed. He grabbed her hand and started quietly crying. Soda helped me up off the floor and over to Mac's bed. I heard him sniffle and I tried to face him. I looked into his watery eyes and I buried my face in his chest and let all the tears out.  I clutched onto his t-shirt as his grip tightened on my shoulders and he buried his face into my shoulder. Darry stood there with Johnny trying his hardest not to cry. Johnny was in pure shock. He hadn't moved from where he was standing. Darry had a fist jammed into his pocket and had the other arm draped crossed Johnny's shoulders. Mac was in a horrible condition. Her nose was broken and crooked, she had little cuts all over her face and arms, she had a breathing tube down her throat, her lip was split open, her beautiful hazel eyes were swollen shut, and her check bone was broken on her left cheek. I heard Steve and Two-Bit show up and I heard Steve gasp and Two-Bit put a hand over his mouth. The doctor came in and told us everything that happened to Mac. Besides all her facial injuries she had internal bleeding, five broken ribs, her spine was broken in three places, her right lung was punctured, she had multiple lacerations all over her body that some required stitching, and her left femur was broken in half. She was expected to last only three more days tops before her body would give up and her organs would start to fail. Hearing that my best friend wouldn't make it out alive made my stomach lurch and I let out a sob. Soda grabbed me and held me. I could feel his tears hit the skin of my shoulder. I was wearing a tank top and shorts. I pulled away from Soda and turned to my right to look at Ponyboy. He was pale and shaking letting out little sobs. I grabbed him and he buried his face into my shoulder and cried. I buried my face into his hair and cried with him. His face was burning hot from all the crying he had been doing. He grabbed onto my tank top as if he was drowning and I was holding him up. I stroked his hair slowly and calmed him down very quietly. I could feel his sobs rack his whole body. I sat him down in the plastic chair in Mac's room and say in the one next to him and let him continue crying. When he finally calmed down a little bit I went to the bathroom down the hall and wet down a paper towel with cold water. I walked back into Mac's room and sat next to Ponyboy. I folded a corner on the paper towel over my right index finger. "Look up at the ceiling for me, Pony." He did as told and I dabbed at the puffiness around his eyes. Tears were still falling from his eyes every couple of seconds. "Okay, look at me." He looked at me with broken and scared eyes. I dabbed his face with the towel and told him that everything would be okay. "I can't lose her, Ramsey. She's my everything. Without her, I have no world. Everything would lose its color and meaning. I need Mac." His voiced cracked when he said her name. I could feel tears pricking at my eyes again and I felt my throat tighten. I was trying to be strong for him. "I know." I said very horsely. I pulled him into another hug and I just let him hug me for as long as he needed. I looked at Soda and could tell he had been crying as well. His eyes were red and puffy. Everyone was crying at this point. Pony let go of me and wiped his face with his hands. He looked at Mac and tears strayed brimming his eyes again. I got up and walked over to Mac's bed and grabbed her lifeless hand. "Mac, if you can hear me I want you to squeeze my hand. Can you do that for me?" It took a couple of seconds but I felt her weakly clutch onto my hand. I smiled and a tear slipped from my eye as everyone breathed a sigh of relief. She could hear us. That was a good sign. "Okay, I'm wanna ask you some questions. Squeeze my hand for yes and don't squeeze my hand for no. Can you do that for me honey?" She squeezed my hand gently. "That's good. The doctor said you aren't supposed to make it past three days due to your injuries. Did the guys from New York do this to you?" She squeezed my hand. Yes. "Are you in pain?" Nothing. "So you don't feel anything?" She squeezed my hand. She wasn't in pain. She was a fighter. "Ponyboy is here. Do you want to hear him?" Her hand didn't even twitch. I looked at Ponyboy and he stood up. We switched seats so that I was sitting next to Soda and he had Mac's hand resting in his. He had one hand under her's and the other hand resting on top. "Mac." He said to her. She squeezed his hand. She was saying hi back. "If your in pain and need to let go and join your mom up in heaven then I understand. You don't have to stay down here I pain. I don't want you to be in pain. Sure, I don't want you to leave but I'd rather you be pain free than in pain. I love you Mac. I always will." She squeeze his hand and her grip got tighter and tighter. I saw a tear slip out of her left eye. I was shocked. She was still showing emotion. I saw her eyes flutter. She was waking up! Oh my god she was waking up! I got up and went to her bedside. I was standing next to Ponyboy and I laid a hand gently in Mac's cheek. "Mac, can you open your eyes?" And what happened next all of use will never forget. She open her eyes and smiled at us. Ponyboy let out a sob of pure joy. Dally got up and yelled for a nurse down the hallway. A nurse came in and checked her vitals. She didn't need a tube down her throat but she would need one that went though her nose and into her lungs. She still wasn't breathing on her own but that was expected. We were all shocked at what had just happened. I sat next to Sodapop again and hugged him as we all cried tears of joy. Mac smiled at Pony. " Hi Pony." She whispered out since she still didn't have her voice back. Ponyboy smiled and kissed her hand. She looked at me and waved at me, lifting her hand but leaving her arm on the mattress. I waved back at her. "That's my fighter." Dally said as he stroked her hair. I could hear Ponyboy whisper something. "That's my girl."

Ramsey's Worst Nightmare (a Sodapop fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz