Chapter 18

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I stepped of the stairs and quietly shut the door to the attic. I walked out of my room and into the hallway. I could hear the footsteps. They were coming from Johnny's room. His door was closed tight. I grabbed the cold door knob and slowly turned the hunk of metal until I heard a click. I pushed the door open slowly to reveal a shadow figure pacing in Johnny's room. Slowly he started to form a shape. That shape took on the look of a man, a man that I've seen before. I finally made out who the man was. Mac's father. I froze in the doorway, the door slightly ajar. Mac's father looked up and saw me standing there. A look of pure hatred spread a caroused his features. I thought I was imagining the whole thing when I felt him grab my shoulders. Mac's father was a tall man, 6"4' with dark hair and dark eyes, a scar from a knife fight crossed over his right eye diagonally. He was broad shouldered and very muscular. He was someone you didn't fuck with. I felt myself start to shake under his grip. I was scared about what he might do to me. I couldn't scream or anything. I was glued to the floor, frozen in my stance. "Don't be scared of me, Ramsey. I'm not here to hurt you." He smiled at me. "You're- you're not?" I asked, my voice trembling with fright. "No." He shook his head, the same dopey smile on his face. "I'm here to kill you." And with that he gripped my shoulders and threw me across the room. I hurt the wall with great force as paint clips fell around me. Shit. I thought. How am I going to explain that to my parents? I got up on my hands and knees, the bat still under my right hand. He started walking towards me as I groaned in pain. "This was my house." He said as he got closer. "I still live here. I didn't give you permission to take it from me. I own this land until the end of time." He picked me up by my throat and put me up against the wall. This guy didn't know he was dead. "But sir." I managed to choke out. "You're dead." He pushed me into the wall harder. He was no longer Mac's father. He was now a demon. Not a black figure but a man with black eyes that I had never seen before. "Don't you lie to me you little bitch. I'm not dead. If I was I wouldn't be able to do this." He took me off the wall only to slam me back into it and he tossed me into the coffee table. It somehow didn't break but that's all I remember before I passed out.

I woke up on a couch. I wasn't in my house any longer. I was at the Curtis house. I looked over and saw Sodapop sitting next to me holding my hand. The rest of the boys sat around the room. Everyone of them had a look of worry or fear on their faces. My back ached something awful. I tired to sit up but failed when my arms gave out. "Easy there, tiger. Don't need you getting hurt even more." Soda said as he smiled and kissed the back of my hand. "That shadow figure was back. First it was a shadow man, then it was Mac's father, then he was some man with black demon eyes. He threw me around and he cracked the paint on my living room wall." I said as I put my free hand over my eyes. "I know. I saw. Darry's gonna fix it up good as new tomorrow. Don't worry." Soda helped me sit up. "We were all worried about you, Ramsey. You didn't make it to Mac's room for visiting hours so we knew something was up. That's when Soda drove us to your place and I found you on the floor. You had me scared something awful." Pony said as he moved to sit by me on the couch. "I'm sorry, Pone." He smiled at me. "Don't be. It's not your fault." He kissed my forehead, got up and walked into the kitchen. "I'm gonna do some background research in my house later to see what I can find out and get rid of this thing for good. This has gotten so ridiculous." I said to Soda. Ponyboy handed me a glass of water and I smiled at him, thanking him. "Can it wait until tomorrow or something?" Ponyboy has his first football game tomorrow." Soda informed me. "Defiantly!" I said and that's when Mac popped into my head. "Mac's gonna miss his game though." I looked down into my lap. "I talked to the doctor about that." Darry spoke. "He said we can take her as long as she sits in a wheel chair. And she has to get up at halftime and walks around a little bit. She's supposed to start walking tomorrow. But we have to take her back to the hospital as soon as it's over. She won't be out until next Monday." Darry got up to stretch his back. He got serious and looked me strait in the eye. "I don't want you going back to that house, Ramsey. Not until we figure this whole thing out. Johnny is staying with Dally tonight so I want you to stay here." Darry crossed his arms, he knew I would resist the offer. "What about Ponyboy?" I asked. "I'm sleeping in the couch tonight." I sighed, I knew I didn't have another option. "Okay. If it makes you feel any better." The boys all smiled at me. What am I gonna do?
*A/N* Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating. School states and I'm trying really hard to keep my grades above a C because I really want to get into Stanford when I go to college. But my school work will be slowing down. I've set a reminder to remind me to update everyday so it doesn't take me a month to update. Anyway, I hope you're still readi g and enjoying my work and aren't too mad at me! Love ya'll! Stay gold!

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