Chapter 25

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My parents couldn't be dead. I just spoke to them this morning. I was allowed to keep the house since I was seventeen and had a paying job. Now I had to pay for two funerals. My aunt called me at the hospital and told me she would help pay for the funerals. I would go live with her but she has five kids. She doesn't have the room and I don't want to leave Tulsa. She lives on a ranch in Wisconsin. She got a flight out here and will be here in the morning. They want to keep me in the hospital over night for observations. Totally sucks. Soda and Pony came in to visit me.
"They're letting you see Mac. You want to take walk to her room?" Soda asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah. But can I put my regular clothes on?" I asked.
"I'll go check." Ponyboy patted my foot as he walked out of my room. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Soda grabbed my hand. I looked at him and he smiled at me.
"You're gonna get through this, doll. I believe in you." I smiled at him.
"Thanks, love." I kissed Soda. Ponyboy walked in with my sweatpants and t-shirt that I was wearing earlier.
"Here you go. We'll step outside so that you can change.
"Thanks boys." I said as the door closed behind them. I changed my clothes with the help of a nurse. She had to hook my I tubed back up after I got dressed. I walked out into the he hallway and we headed for Mac's room.
"I'm sorry about your parents, Ramsey." Mac said as I hugged her. Soda pulled up a chair for me.
"It's okay." I said. I didn't need to cry. I already had when the doctor told me.
"What did they say about your back?"
"I'll walk with a small limp for a couple weeks but I'll be up and walking in the next month to a month in a half. They don't want to push it too far." She said as she took a glass of water from Ponyboy.
"Thanks, hon." She said as she sipped from it.
"They're letting me out tomorrow." Mac said as she looked at me.
"That's great! You can go to Ponyboy's football game with us tomorrow. And you won't be the only criple. They're giving me crutches due to the stitching." I said as I patted her hand. Mac chuckled.
"Sounds like a blast." She said as she took another drink of water.
"Oh it is." I commented sarcastically. I held Soda's hand and kissed the back of it.

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