Chapter 35

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Soda struggled to get out of the truck. It must have hurt something awful having a hole in your stomach. He tried to mask his pain but I could tell he was hurting. I felt like this was my fault that he was hurt. If I had only gone to the police and stayed at my own house, Bob wouldn't have shown up to the Curtis'. He wouldn't have shot Soda. Soda wouldn't be in pain right now. But he was, all because of me. I felt terrible. Getting him up the porch stairs would be a struggle seeing as that when you go up stairs your body bends in half a bit. Soda happened to have a gaping hole in the middle of his body. He winced as he climbed the stairs. Ponyboy held the door open for him as we ended up the familiar house. I took Soda back to his room and laid him on his bed. He was out in seconds. I pulled up the small reclining chair Ponyboy kept in his room for reading. Darry knocked on the door lightly and opened it.

"Here's his prescriptions. You can just put the bottles on his nightstand so he doesn't have to walk all the way to the kitchen." I nodded and took the bag from Darry's outstretched hand. I smiled sadly at Darry then looked down sadly at his bag of multiple drugs to fight off infections and pain. 

"Hey. He's gonna be fine." Darry smiled at me. I nodded, fearing that if I spoke I would start crying. Darry kissed the top of my head and left, closing the door behind him gently on the way out. I opened the bag of drugs and placed the bottles neatly on his night side table. I sighed and picked up one of Ponyboy's books off the floor. To Kill A Mockingbird. I grabbed the thin, navy blue, crochet blanket off the end of the bed and curled up in the chair and started to read to get my mind off of everything as Soda peacefully snored away two feet in front of me.

About two hours later and halfway through To Kill A Mockingbird, Soda started to slowly wake up. He opened his eyes and looked over in my direction. I just started at him with a scared yet sad look on my face. My brow was furrowed, eyes slightly widened, legs still tucked under me, the blanket still draped over my one shoulder and across my lap, book still in hand. I didn't say anything. I just closed the book and started breathing kind of heavily. I was just in shock and scared for him.

 "Baby, what's wrong?" Soda asked, slowly propping himself up on his elbows. I shook my head and set the book on the edge of the table.

"Nothing. I'm okay." I took the blanket off of me. I stood up and grabbed the rubbing alcohol and cotton pads on the nightstand. 

"I need to clean your wound."

Soda nodded and slowly laid back down. I pulled the chair up next to his bedside and pushed the blanket back off of his stomach. He lifted his shirt up, wincing in pain, and taking the bandage off. It had some of his blood on it. He tossed it in the trash can next to him and laid on his back. I poured some of the alcohol on the cotton pad and dabbed at his wound. Soda tensed up a bit at the cold fluid touching his skin.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered as I continued to dab at his flesh. He looked down at me quizzically.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm sorry.." I said bit later. A single tear slipped from my eye and onto my hand. I quickly wiped it away on my pants. Soda started to sit up slowly.

"What are you talking about, Rams?" Soda finished sitting up, his shirt falling over his wounded and chiseled abs. 

"I'm sorry you got shot because of me. If I had just left with Ponyboy, Randy wouldn't have defiled me, I wouldn't have had to tell the police about what Randy did, Bob wouldn't have shown up to the house pissed to hell seeking revenge. He wouldn't have shot you if it wasn't for my dumb ass. And I'm so sorry, Soda. I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve any of this. You're a great person and such a wonderful boyfriend and a loving brother. But now you're in pain... because of me. And I'm so freaking sorry." I was bawling at this point. I looked down into my lap and wiped my nose on the back of my hand. I folded the cotton pad in my hand and looked up into Soda's scared eyes.

"I guess I'm just poison..."

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