Chapter 5

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*A/N* hey guys! you're all probably like "when is she gonna update?!" well here's your update! finally!


Johnny and I finally finished moving the furniture around his new room at my house so we both decided to go for a walk until 5 p.m. That's when Darry will have dinner ready. We had reached the lot. Someone must have ditched some old furniture here. There were a couple lamps, a nightstand, an old bed frame, and a child's bookcase. Johnny and I were standing around talking about food for some odd reason. It was probably because we were hungry but unfortunately it was only 4:30. Suddenly, we heard a car pull up behind us. Johnny and I turned around and it was none other than Bob and Randy. They got out of their car and waltzed up to us. "Hey, Grease." Bob sneered at us. "What are you doing here, Sheldon? This isn't your god damned territory." I asked, anger lacing every word. "What's it to you, slut?" Randy spat. I got even angrier. I grabbed one of the lamps that were down by my feet and threw it at Bob and Randy and shouted, "Lighten the fuck up, Man-whore!" Bob and Randy had fallen back onto their car. "You'll pay for that, cunt." Randy blackmailed. "I'd like to see you touch her you fucking mamma's boy." Johnny threatened. My eyes widened as I watched Bob and Randy start to approach Johnny. I remembered my blade that was in my pocket all day. I pulled it out and flipped the blade out. I stepped in between them and Johnny. "Leave. I'm not scared to use this." They threw their hands up in defeat and they got in their car and drove away. I had never heard Johnny cuss or get mad at anyone before. Those were the Socs that jumped him, giving him his scar. "Wow, Johnnycakes. I didn't know you had it in you." I gasped. "No one threatens my family." Johnny smiled at me. "Aw thanks, Johnnycakes." I hugged him. That's when we decided to go to the Curtis resident.

"Knock knock!" I yelled as I opened the door. "Who is it?!" Pony yelled from his and Soda's room. "Its Ramsey!" I shouted. "Noooooo! Go away!" Pony joked, running into the living room. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and pinned me on the couch. He put my hands above me head and tickled me side. I swear if he had tickled me any longer I would have peed my pants. I wiggled out from Pony's grasp and rolled onto the floor. I just kinda laid there. That's when Soda, Steve and Darry walked through the door. "Ponyboy, what did you do to my girlfriend?" Soda asked. "Pay back for the jump scare." This made all of us laugh a little. Even Steve laughed. That was surprising. Darry had started dinner and Johnny and I were telling the boys about our little Bob and Randy encounter. "Wait until Dally hears about this, Johnny. He's gonna be even prouder of you for standing up for yourself." Johnny blushed and smiled. Speaking of the devil, Dally and Two-Bit walked in through the door. Darry had called us into the kitchen for dinner. While we were all eating we told Dally about Bob and Randy and Dal surprised us all by hugging Johnny. "I knew you could do it, brother." Dally only called Johnny 'brother' because Johnny was the only thing Dally cared about. The rest of night went along as usual. As long as all my days end with all seven of these guys making me red in the face from laughing, my face hurting from all the smiling, walking home with Johnnycakes, the warm hugs I recived and the kisses from Soda, I'll never hate life no matter what happens.

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