Chapter 26

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My Aunt arrived this morning. She was a sobbing mess. I was too emotionally drained to join her cry fest. She's at the funeral home now setting everything up. I'm planning most of the funeral. I feel like I owe them this. Soda walked into my hospital room while I was thinking about everything.

"How are you doing?" Soda asked me, concerned.
"I'm doing okay. It's kind of hard to grasp onto everything." I said twirling my thumbs.
"I know how you feel." Soda said. I nodded at him, looking down. I remember being at Soda's house when the cops came and told him about his parents. He was 15 at the time. Now he's 16 going on 17 and has grown up too fast. All three of them did. Now its my turn to grow up and take care of myself and Johnny. My parents trained me my whole life to be able to handle myself on my own. Now, I have to prove my parents knew what they were doing.

"Soda?" I asked, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Yes, Rams?" Soda grabbed my hand.

"How did you react when you lost your parents?" I asked, not wanting to push him too far. He sighed.

"Well," He cleared his throat. "At first I, uh, I didn't know how to react. But, after a couple minutes when it all set in I couldn't believe they were gone. I didn't believe they were gone. Then everything.. sunk in. As you know I was a mess for days but I've learned to cope with it I guess. And you're a strong person. I know you'll be able to get through this. And I'll be there every step of the way." He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"Can you go get Mr. Winchester? I really want to put Randy away." I kissed Soda's hand.

"Certainly." Soda smiled at me, kissed the top of my head, and left the room to go get Sam. I grabbed the book Ponyboy brought me and started reading. Moments later I heard a knock on the door. Sam was standing in the doorway. I smiled at him and put my book down. He smiled at me a pulled up the chair in my room up to the side of my bed.

"Sorry about your parents, Mrs. Moore." He smiled sympathetically at me, revealing a set of adorable dimples. I nodded at him and returned a smile.

"It's okay. And you can just call me Ramsey or Rams. Which ever you prefer." He nodded at me and smiled down at his papers.

"Will do Ramsey." He shuffled through his papers.

"Mr. Winchester?" I asked.

"You can just call me Sam." He looked up at me and smiled.

"What's Stanford like?"

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