Chapter 11

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Johnny and I sat there not knowing what to do. I was shaking and scared. if this thing could hurt us physically who knows what else it was capable of. I go toff the bed and grabbed the pin flashlight off my dresser. I clicked it on and looked at the scratches on his face. They weren't too deep but they weren't too shallow either. I saw the window behind Johnny and realized either 1.) nothing will happen or 2.) a face will pop up in the window. So I closed the blinds. We needed to leave. "Johnny, we have to go. We can't stay here. Something else could happen." I said as I turned around to look at Johnny. I grabbed his hand before he could say anything else and we ran to the living room and my mom's brand new vase whizzed past my head. I froze for a few seconds and I turned around. Only Johnny was standing behind me and he was standing no where near the vase. The lights started flickering on and off really quickly. I grabbed the keys off the end-table and Johnny and I booked it out the door. "Johnny get in the truck I have to lock the door!" I yelled. I can't stand to leave my house unlocked. Because Socs don't care who you are. They will rob the hell out of your house. I locked that door so fast it's almost as if the key was nowhere near the door knob. I ran to the truck, slamming the door and started the truck all at once. Talk about multi-tasking. I didn't even bother to put on my seat belt. I drove 80 m.p.h. to the Curtis house. This was totally illegal but I didn't care. I pulled into the Curtis' driveway and Johnny and I jumped out of the truck and bolted up the porch steps. I ripped open the door and saw Ponyboy and Mac watching a movie half asleep. Mac yawned, "What's wrong, guys. You look like you've seen a ghost." Johnny and I looked at each other and in sync uttered, "You have no idea." Ponyboy stood up and walked to the hall closet and got out two pillows and two blankets, "Figured you would want to sleep here because you two are really shaken up." I sighed, "Thank you, Pony." I gave him a huge, crushing hug. "Jesus, alright, you're welcome, Ramsey." Pony said. Mac laughed. I went and sat down next to her. I could tell her shoulder was still in pain so I jumped over the back of the couch and gave her a shoulder rub. My dad had tripped and impaled his shoulder on a screwdriver a few years ago so I knew what I was doing. Ponyboy and her were carrying on a conversation. She was talking about her depression. So far Ponyboy, Johnny and I knew she had it. She was talking about how she was scared she was going to end up alone. He interrupted her with a gentle yet passionate kiss. "You are going to grow old with me. You're my everything, my world, my Mac. I'm not going to let you go that easily." She smiled. "Ponyboy, you are the real MVP." I commented a squeezed his shoulder. "Thanks, Ramsey." He smiled at me. Mac let out a huge yawn. "Awe, someone's tired." I said jokingly. "I don't blame her." Ponyboy commented while he yawned. "Let's get you to bed, Sleeping Beauty." Ponyboy picked Mac up bridal style and carried her to his and Soda's room, closing the door until a thin crack was left between the door and the door way. I could still see into his room. Mac laid down on her uninjured shoulder and Ponyboy climbed in behind her and put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. He kissed her temple and as soon as their heads hit the pillows they were out. I remember falling asleep next to Johnny, snuggles up against him because I was still freaked out. That was the last thing I remember of that night.

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