Chapter 30

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   I was woken by a knock on my front door. I felt soda get off the bed and I heard his feet patter against the hard wood flooring. I could hear Soda talking to someone and he didn't sound very happy. Then it turned into shouting. I started to slowly move out of bed to see who Soda was talking to. And as fast as I could blink the shouting stopped. I sat in the edge of the bed listening for someone to talk. Then I heard something fall to the floor and whoever came to my house run off the porch.
     "Soda?!" I called. No answer. I called his name again. Still nothing. Now, I was scared. I ran down the hallway and rounded the corner. What I saw in my living room was an absolute nightmare. Soda was laying on the floor clutching his stomach. He had blood running out if his mouth and he was coughing up more blood. I mean to him, tears rushing down my face. I put my hand over his and applied even more pressure. I looked through the screen door to see my neighbor, Mr. Meyer, in his yard picking up leaves out of his garden. I screamed for his attention. After a few yells I got his attention and he ran over to my house. When he saw Soda on the floor he picked up the phone off the wall and dialed 911. I kept talking to Soda to keep him awake.  After a few minutes I heard the sirens coming down the road. I just lost my parents. I'll be damned if I lose Soda too.

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