Chapter 8

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*A/N* hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in forever. I keep forgetting. I feel really bad. So to make it up for you I'm going to give u a short cliff hanger update. So enjoy the next chapter!


We were walking out of Bucks place to go to the Curtis'. Dally, Mac, and Ponyboy were leading as they were catching up on events. Darry, Two-Bit, Johnny and I were messing with each other. And behind us, Soda and Steve were talking about some car they saw at the DX today. As we were half way to the Curtis', I noticed a light appear behind us, making all of our shadows stretch. The car honked three short honks. Mac turned around. When she saw the car she stopped dead in her tracks. She went stiff as a board and was shaking like a single leaf rustling in the wind on a bare tree in the fall. The car came up behind us and stopped. These weren't Socs. These were three grown men. "Oh Mac. You shouldn't have left so early. We weren't done with that body of yours." The leader said as he pulled out something. A heater. I grabbed Soda's hand. I didn't know what else to do. I could see tears rolling down Mac's face. "I t-told you n-no. L-leave me a-lone." Mac stuttered. The second guy stepped forward. "Oh honey. We don't take no for an answer. You know that." He brushed Mac's hair off her left shoulder. She winced. I saw Ponyboy's hand fly up to Dally's chest. He had to hold Dally back. Mac would be devastated if Dal went back to jail. Mac turned around. She glared at the leader. "Dameon, Romeo, I'm sick of your shit. I told you to leave me the fuck alone. Why can't you fucking take no as an answer? You've had your fun raping me. And now it's over. Just fucking leave you rat bastards." Mac growled. "You shouldn't have said that, Macline. Now you'll pay." Dameon held up his gun. Right to Mac's heart. As Dally ran forward, Dameon pulled the trigger. I heard the sound of the gun shot and Mac's ear piercing scream of pain. It some how missed her heart and hit her right in the shoulder, directly into her pressure point. She wouldn't stop screaming. Ponyboy was the first one to react. He was by Mac in a split second. He was holding her shoulder, her face buried into his chest. She wouldn't stop screaming, almost as if she was being forced to scream. Mac's blood was seeping through Pony's fingers, like red kool-aid seeping through thin slits in the container that contained the liquid. Then I noticed something. We were right down the street from my house. "Ponyboy. My house is right there. Get her to my house and into the bathroom. Everything you'll need is in there." I threw my keys to Ponyboy and he caught them with his free hand. "Got it. I'll meet you guys there." He picked Mac up bridal style. She was just crying now. Mac, what didn't you tell us?

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