Chapter 4

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*A/N* So I finally got some ideas for this chapter. There's gonna be a little twist. And some less than mild horror. Next chapter will have smut. You have been warned. And I'm going to use modern songs in a certain part of the story. Enjoy!


We finally reached Johnny's house. I realized Johnny only lived two blocks away. That could be a problem. But oh well. He's not staying here any longer. The door was unlocked. "Of course it's unlocked. God, they're so stupid." Johnny muttered under his breath. We walked in and they're were droplets of dried blood on the wall and floor, there were holes and dents in the wall from Johnny being thrown around like a rag doll, broken glass was sprayed in a corner of the living room probably from the time Johnny's dad broke his empty bottle of beer over Johnny's head all because he drank it all and was so drunk he thought Johnny dumped it out on purpose. I had never seen the gang so mad at one person as they were that day. Even Pony was beyond outraged. I could see Pony recoil in horror. He knew this had been going on longer than suspected. We followed Johnny into his room. This kid's room was spotless. I mean spotless. The bed was made. All his clothes were hung up or in the old breaking hamper. I don't care what he says, he's getting a new one. His room looked pretty nice. He had white sheets to match the light gray walls. The had an old oak dresser and an old oak chest to match which had a pretty nice mirror on the back of the chest, might I add. His floor was hard wood. It looked worn out. His curtains were pure white and they fluttered as the fresh air blew in from the window. Which I noticed he has a small bay window. You wouldn't think his parents abused him if his bruises didn't show. "Like what you see, Ramsey?" Soda asked. "Actually I do." This made Johnny smile and blush. "Who designed your room, Johnnycakes?" I questioned the 16-year-old as he put the last of his shirts into his bag. "I did. Before my grandma past away she let me pick out new curtains and a new bed spread since I got the dresser and chest. She was the only family member that actually cared about me that really ever came to visit. It hit me hard when she passed. But I didn't cry in front of my parents or else my dad would have smacked me. I didn't cry until I got home and my parents went to sleep. I could still see all the family members staring at my bruises as they walk past giving us their sorries. Okay, I think I'm all packed. I'm going to write a note to my parents." Johnny grabbed his bag and walked into his kitchen. They're were alcohol bottles and empty cigarette contains everywhere. It took Johnny about three minutes to write the note. "You wanna read it, Ramsey? Make sure it's okay?" Johnny asked shyly. I gave him a warm smile. "Sure buddy. Anything for you." I gently took the note from his slightly shaking hands. Wow this kid's hand writing was amazing. He had perfect cursive. The note read:

"Dear mom and dad,

I'm not sorry to be writing this to you. I'm moving in with one of my good friends. I'm not telling you where I am going. We might never see each other again. You never made me happy or feel loved. And I hate you for that. I would be glad if you never tried to find me. If you see me on the street with my friends don't even bother to walk my way. I never want to see you again. I'm not sorry I'm leaving. I'm pretty happy. My friends will be by later to get my bed, dresser, and chest. Don't touch them don't talk to them. Don't do anything to them. You let them into the house and out of the house as the move the furniture. Well, I guess this is goodbye.

Your former "son",


"Wow, Johnny. I always thought you loved your parents. I mean you always refused to leave them." I handed the letter back to Johnny and he set it on the opened bottle of scotch where he knew his dad would find it. "Well I guess I fooled you guys pretty well. I've always hated them. I just never left because I had no where else to go." Johnny chuckles to himself. "I seriously wouldn't mind if I never saw them ever again." Johnny looked up at is and for once he didn't look so much like a lost puppy. I walked over to him a hug and he actually hugged back without hesitating. We pulled apart and I gently ran my hand up and down his back three times. Then we all left that damned house. "Well we're gonna leave you two to go to Ramsey's and unpack. We'll see you guys later. See ya." Darry said. Soda kissed me on the lips. I waved to Darry and Ponyboy and the three walked to their house. Johnny and I started to walk to my house. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, Ramsey. This really means a lot to me. Thank you." Johnny beamed. "It's no problem Johnny. I would do anything to make you happy. You're my extended family. Just like the rest of the gang." I smiled at him. He blushed. "Thanks, Ray. You truly are a beautiful person." Johnny smiled. I realized he was the exact height as me. "Thank you Johnny." I gave him a side hug. We arrived at my house sooner than expected. I unlocked the door and pushed it open. I was really scared. I guess Johnny could tell because he grabbed my hand reassuringly. I looked over to him and he smiled at me. I smiled back. I looked back at the house and my smile dropped and I bit my lip. "You can do this, Ray. I believe in you." Johnny whispered in my ear. I gained some courage and finally walked in as Johnny followed me in. He still had my hand in his. His hand wasn't shaking and his palms were warm. We let go of each other's hands. "Wow. You have a really nice house. Where are your parents?" Johnny asked. "They're on a business trip until the end of the summer. They come back a week before we go back to school next month. By the way, my parents are really excite to meet you. They've always wanted a boy." I winked at him and he blushed. I giggled at him which only made him blush even more. "Ow." Johnny whispered. "You okay?" I asked, worried. "Oh yea. My bag pushed on one of my bruises. I'm okay though." Johnny set his bag by his feet and rubbed his shoulder. I wanted to see what this man did to him. "Johnny, if you don't mind me asking, can I see what he did to you?" I asked kinda scared of what I was going to see. "Uh, sure." Johnny started to remove his shirt. He pulled it upward starting from the bottom of his shirt and up over his head. He dropped it on top of his bag. My eyes widened as I saw the big bruises covering his chest and abs. He was skinny. I could see his ribs. These monsters barley fed him. I stepped forward and gently ran my fingers over the bruises. Some where black blue and purple and some were green and yellow. He had small little cuts on his chest. I walked behind him and saw the bruises on his back. He had only new ones. And he had gashes on his back. I started to cry as my fingers gently glided over his back. I tenderly wrapped my hands around his stomach and put my face on the back of his neck. I could hear him crying as well. I walked back around to that we were face to face. He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe my tears away. "Don't cry, Ray. Soon these will all be gone and no new ones will replace them. It's okay." Johnny soothed me. He slipped his shirt back on. "I know. It's just... I can't believe how bad this got. This breaks my heart to see you like this." I said starting to cry even harder. "Come here." Johnny said as he pulled me into a hug. He was really warm and he felt comforting. I cried into his neck. He stroked my long blonde hair as I had my arms snaked around his ribs. We pulled away when I stopped crying. He put his shirt back on. I realized how little clothing he had. "Hey, how about me and you go pick out some new clothes for you this weekend. My parents left me some rainy day money. I want to use some of it to get you some new clothes." Johnny bent over to pick up his bag. "Sure. That would be fun. Thanks." We smiled at each other. As I showed him to his new room. "This where you'll sleep. But you can sleep in my room with me tonight until we get your bed from your old house into here." Johnny had a slight blush creep over his face when I told him he could sleep in my room. "Thanks. I think I can finally say I have a home." Johnny chuckled. I giggled at his remark. "Well I sure hope so." I joked with him. "How about I got get my water speakers and I can help you unpack everything you want to hang up in the closet." I said, clasping my hands together. "That would be lovely." Johnny said all gentle man like. Then the phone rang. I walked into the living room to answer it. "Hello?" I asked into the phone. "Hey beautiful." It was Soda. "Hey handsome." "We were thinking about going and getting the rest of Johnny's stuff today but we'll have to move his bed in tomorrow. Darry's truck is acting up and he thinks it can only make one trip. Do you have somewhere else he can sleep just for tonight?" "Why yes I do." "Okay great we will see you in an hour." "Okay and make sure you guys get Johnny's curtains while your over there" "Alright. I'll have Ponyboy remind me. Love you." "Thanks. Love you too." I smiled lightly and I put it back on the receiver. I walked back to Johnny's new room. "That was Soda. He said they're going to get your dresser, chest and curtains right now and they'll move your bed over here tomorrow. Darry's truck is acting up so they can only make one trip." Johnny nodded his head. "They'll probably be here in an hour or so. I'm gonna go get my speakers and a broom. This floor is kinda dirty." I said, scanning the floor. "Alright. I'll start unpacking." "Sounds good. I'll grab some hangers too." I walked into my room and grabbed the speakers and the hangers I leave laying around. I walked back into Johnny's room and plugged in my speakers into my phone. I played my Bruno Mars playlist since he's mine and Johnny's favorite artist. The song 'Treasure' started playing and I turned up the volume some more. Johnny and I started jamming out as I went to the kitchen to get the broom. I walked back to the room and quickly swept all the dust into a pile. I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the dust pan, all while singing alone with Johnny. I swept up all the dust and dumped it into the trash can in the bathroom across from Johnny's room. He was still putting away shirts. He only had a few more. The song then changed to 'Locked Out of Heaven'. Johnny put away his last shirt and grabbed my hand and spun me around. We started dancing like lunatics. We were laughing and having a good time. I think Johnny was actually happy to let lose. I heard a knock on the door. I turned down the volume and Johnny and I walked to the front door. The boys were here. Ponyboy was at the to knock on the door while Sodapop and Darry were in the bed of the truck. "Special delivery for a Johnny Cade." Ponyboy said, mimicking a delivery man. "That would be me." Johnny said, going along with Pony's delivery man act. "I need you to sign here." Ponyboy held up a pretend clip board. And Johnny pretended to sign it. "Thank you sir." Ponyboy tipped the hat he was wearing. The boys started to laugh. I chuckled and rolled my eyes and the boys playfulness. These boys could brighten up anyone's day. I changed my mind. I have seven favorite people that aren't related to me. I loved my gang.

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