Chapter 23

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As we were leaving the gynecologist's office a blue mustang pulled up to us and came to a halt. Bob Sheldon and his gang. Soda let go off my hand and stepped in front of me with his right arm across my body in a protective stance. I could hear a low growl like sound come from him. I put my hand on his shoulder and I could feel the heat radiating from his flannel. He was pissed. Bob and his three friends got out and put their hands up in surrender. 

"We're not here to fight you." Bob said as he slowly walked around his car.

"Bull shit." Soda growled at him as I grabbed his arm.

"We're not. I swear. We just came to see how Ramsey is doing." All three of them looked at me. I sank behind Soda.

"Why would you give a shit? You didn't care when he abused the shit out of her, why would you care now?" Soda's voice was gravely at this point. That is not a good sign. He ever only uses that voice when he's close to start throwing some punches.

"Randy told us what he did before he up and disappeared. The cops came by and looked for him but we haven't seen him since that night." Bob was being sincere. I don't know how I knew but I did.

"Whatever. You probably gave him some sort of hide out in a different town. Now beat it before you lose whatever manhood you have left." Soda glared at them as he put his arm around me and gave me a gentle push toward the car. I grasped the strap of the purse I was wearing. I slowly started walking toward the car.

"We're sorry about what happened to you, Ramsey!" Bob called as I sped up my pace. I couldn't look at a Soc right now. Soda growled as he laid a hand on my lower back. We got into the car and I sat in the middle of the front seat since there was no center consul. Soda got in and I buried my face into his shoulder. He turned toward me and wrapped me up into his arms after throwing my legs over his lap. He started to stroke my hair. After 5 minutes of sitting in the parking lot he finally turned toward the wheel and turned the car on. I kept my legs over his lap and my head on his shoulder and he kept an arm slung around my shoulders. We drove to the hospital to tell Mac what had happened. I was so nervous. Soda took us on a drive before visiting hours through the back country roads to calm my nerves. He knew the scenery soothed my nerves. We had two hours to kill. I loved the back road he took. There were deer running along side the road. The flowers were a multitude of colors and heights. The lake sparkled in the sun as deer drank from it. Ducks floated along surface. It was like a scene from a fairy tale. He eventually started heading back into town so we could pick up Pony, Dally and anyone else who tagged along. Soda promised we would drive back down this road alone after we visit Mac.

We got back to the Curtis house. Darry came up to the car in his work clothes. Pony and Dally hoped into the back seat. Steve, Johnny and Two-Bit joined Darry at the window. We updated the gang on everything. They were all relived that nothing was wrong so far. I told them I have another appointment in another week for a check up. They gave me a cream so put down there and some antibiotics to help keep infections away. Pony hugged my and I squeezed his arms close to my and placed a kiss to his right forearm. We left to go to the hospital.

When we got there in was basically deserted. We walked up to Mac's room. She was awake and a nurse was cleaning her wounds. Ponyboy placed a kiss to her forehead. 

"How was your surgery?" I asked as I hugged her gently. 

"Everything went well. My spinal disks are back in place and the put my face back together. Its kinda sore and I can't feel much in my legs but that's only temporary." She smiled at us. I grabbed her hand and sighed as I sat down in the chair I pulled up next to her bed. Soda put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently.  Mac sat up a bit and looked at me. She could tell something was wrong.

"Ramsey,what's wrong?" She looked me in eyes.

"Mac, two nights ago I was... raped... by Randy."

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