Chapter 6

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*A/N* hey guys I'm finally updating. Sorry I'm taking so long. I keep forgetting to update. But here's your update. Enjoy!


Johnny and I were walking home and we decided to sit in the lot for a little. The noises in my house had died down some. Until tonight. Johnny and I were sitting on the hill laughing and talking. We heard something walking behind us. We looked back and no one was there. So we ignored it, thinking it was a squirrel. About five minutes later we heard it again. We both turned around and saw a black figure out the corner of our eyes. I started to worry and I grabbed Johnny's hand for comfort. He held my hand tight, reassuring me. The figure wasn't there anymore. So we turned around and didn't say anything. Then we heard something right behind us. We whipped our heads around and about five feet behind us was a black figure, the same black figure Soda and I saw at my house. I froze from fright. My life flashed before my eyes. Then I noticed something. The figure started to take the shape of something. No someone. Sodapop. "Johnny. The thing is making its self look like Soda." I whispered. Johnny's grip on my hand tightened. He was terrified. "Ramsey, run." Johnny whispered. "Run!" Johnny gave me a tiny push as I started to run. I had ran with Ponyboy before so I was trying to go as fast as he did that day but I couldn't do it. Ponyboy was a lot faster than I could. And this thing was just as fast as he was. I got to the edge of the lot and I felt it grab me. It forcefully spun my around so I was staring into its eyes. They were black and full of anger. It started to form back into a black mass. It started to surround me. It was whispering things in my head. 'Kill yourself. You're worthless. Soda doesn't love you. He never has and never will.' I started to cry. The only person to pop into my mind was my best friend, Mac Winston. I thought in my head, 'This is what Mac's depression was like. She felt she was drowning in blackness, just like I am. I'm going to drown in darkness.' As my thought ended I heard Mac's voice in my head. 'Don't listen to it, Ramsey. You can beat this.' Those were the exact words I said to Mac when she was standing in front of me about to kill herself. I started screaming and crying. I felt someone grab my ankles. I was being pulled away from the blackness. I felt like it was trying to take my skin off. I could feel my flesh leaving parts of my body. I could sense the bruises forming. The blood was running down my face, arms, and legs. The pain stopped and I could feel the sun on my skin. I opened my eyes and what I saw surprised me. Mac was at my side. In the exact same position I was in when I found her crying on her bedroom floor. She was scarred. I could see it in her eyes. I looked at my arms, no blood, no bruises. I felt my face. Nothing. My mind was going crazy. I looked into Mac's eyes. 'She's not dead. Oh my god she's alive. It was all a lie. Oh my god she's alive.' I grabbed her into a hug. I started crying even harder. Mac is one of my best friends that I met when I moved to Tulsa in the eight grade. She's 14. She has reddish-brown hair. She has the hazel eyes that are rimmed with blue and have flakes of gold in them that are really intense in the sun light. Her right eye is more blue than her left eye. She's 5'4". Her nose is small and her lips change shades sometimes. She has a quiet voice when she isn't hyper. She has the biggest crush on Ponyboy. He has a bigger crush on her. One day I got a phone call from her father. He told me she committed suicide in her bedroom closet. When I told the gang, Ponyboy cried for days. I couldn't believe she was alive. She had been gone for a good two months now. Her dad said he wasn't going to have a funeral because he didn't have the money. That bastard! "Oh my god, Mac. I thought you were dead. Your dad said you killed yourself! I missed you so much. The gang misses you so much. It hasn't been the same without you." Mac laughed. "Sounds like my dad. I was actually in L.A. with my mom for treatment. I've stopped cutting. I've been clean for seven months." She smiled her bright smile at me. She has Soda's smile. I smiled back at her as I wiped my tears away. "Dally hasn't been the same without you. He's been so depressed he's barley even left his room at Buck's. We just recently got him to start coming out with us more. He really misses you." I saw tears form in her eyes. Her older brother is the one and only Dallas Winston. He means a lot to her. She means more to him than Johnny. But Johnny is a close second. "I need to see the gang. And so do you. You're still shaking." I hadn't realized I was shaking. I could see Johnny running back to the lot with the whole gang. Mac and I stood up. They all got there and stopped dead in their tracks. Their eyes all landed on the brown haired teen standing next to me. I looked at Ponyboy and he had huge tears rimming his eyes. Mac and Ponyboy were best friends before her dad said she was dead. Mac, Ponyboy, and Johnny did everything together. She loved those two. But she loved Dally more. Johnny already knew Mac was here. That's why he went and got the gang. Mac came and saved my life. Like I had saved her's a year ago. Ponyboy broke down and started crying which in return made Mac start crying. They enveloped each other in a hug. They would look so cute together. It was such an adorable moment. Pony stood there hugging Mac, one arm around her torso and and one gripped in her hair. Mac had her arms snaked around Ponyboy's neck with her legs hooked around his waist. They were sobbing into each other's shoulders. They broke out of their hug and Ponyboy wiped Mac's tears away then wiped away his own. Mac laughed. "I missed you a lot, Mac." Pony said . "I missed you too, Pony." And what Ponyboy did next surprised all of us. He kissed Mac strait on the lips! She kissed back. They broke out of their kiss and laughed. Mac was now Ponyboy's. Ponyboy didn't even need to ask. He just knew. "Well it's about time!" Darry shouted. Mac laughed. "I need to see Dally." Ponyboy nodded. She walked over to the gang and they formed a group hug.  The whole gang was crying. And by everyone I mean Soda, Johnny, Steve, Two-bit and even Darry. Darry and Soda had a soft spot for Mac because she reminds them of their mom. Darry picked Mac up and twirled her around. Soda ruffled her hair and hooked his arm around her neck as she hugged him around his waist. Soda walked over to me and gave me a huge kiss. "You alright, Ray?" "Yea. i'm okay now." I smiled at him. And he returned the smile and kissed my temple with his arm draped around my shoulders. We all decided to walk to Buck's before his party started so she could see Dally. Ponyboy grabbed Mac's hand and she blushed as a huge smile spread across her face. I was really excited to see Dally's reaction.

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