Chapter 21

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The cops have shown up? Great. Now I have to relive everything that happened. "Can they come in here and question me?" I asked Darry. He put a hand on my knee as he looked me in the eyes, "I'll see if they will." He smiled at me as I looked at Soda with fear in my eyes. "Everything will be okay baby. I promise." He smiled at me as he left the room. I watched the door waiting to see two men walk into the room. And sure enough they did. The last one to walk in shut the door behind him. They were both fairly young guys. One was a little bit taller than the other one. "Hello, I'm Detective Winchester. This is my partner Officer Singer. We will be questioning you on the actions of Randy Anderson. If you feel too uncomfortable at anytime we can always take a break." Detective Winchester told me in a calm, gravely voice. They both looked very handsome. Detective Winchester and piercing green eyes with brown spiked up hair. He was around 6 foot tall and was in very good shape. Officer Singer was about 2 inches shorter and had short buzzed hair that appeared to be brown. He was also in good shape. He had bright blue eyes. Officer Singer smiled at me reassuringly and I could see his dimples. "Are you okay to answer so questions Miss..?" "Oh you can just call me Ramsey." I said. Detective Winchester flashed a bright smile at me as he chuckled slightly. "That's a unique name." He commented. I side smiled. "My parents are unique people." I said. "Where are you're parents?" Officer Singer questioned me. "They're on a business trip until next month." I answered as I clasped my hands together. "Are you staying home by yourself?" Detective Winchester asked me. I shook my head no. "My friend Johnny is staying with me. Darry comes and checks on us multiple times during the day and at night before we go to bed." I answered. "And how old is Darry?" He asked. "20." Detective Winchester nodded. "Okay, well, were gonna let you change and then we'll start questioning you." I nodded. The officers left and I put on one of Soda's tank tops. I opened the drawer Soda had some of my clothes in for me. I kept underwear, shorts, sweat pants and feminine hygiene products in this drawer. I changed and put a underwear liner in my underwear and slipped on a pair of my sweat pants. I grabbed Soda's blue flannel and put it on. I opened for the officers to come back in. I grabbed my art stool I kept at my easel I kept in their room when I got bored for Officer Singer and Ponyboy's desk chair for Detective Winchester. Detective Winchester shut the door and they sat down. Officer Singer got out a note pad. Detective Winchester cleared his throat and started to ask me questions. "When did the event happen?" He asked me. "Between 9:45 and 10:00 p.m. tonight." I looked at the clock and it was already 11:30 p.m. Officer Singer started writing. He nodded at his partner and I was asked another question, "Where did this happen?" "In the alleyway behind the post office." More writing from Officer Singer. Then another question.

"Was there anyone else with him?"

"No, Officer."

"Did you attempt to fight back?"

"Yes. When forcefully put his lips on mine to muffle my screams I bit down on his lip."

Detective Winchester turned to his partner. "That explains the bite mark." Officer Singer nodded.

"What else do you remember, Miss Ramsey?"

"I remember him yanking my hair back when he reached me, he called me a slut, and he forcefully put his lips on mine. He undid my shorts with his free hand and shoved his hand down my pants. He started to... rub... my area and I bit down on his lip which made him angry. He threw me on the ground in the alleyway and sat on top of me and he punched my square in the face. That's all I remember before I blacked out. When I woke up I was propped up against the wall of the post office with my shorts down around my ankles and blood in between my legs." I explain. Officer Singer scribbled everything down while I was talking. Detective Winchester nodded after tucking his bottom lip in between his lips and making a sucking sound.

"And that's when you came here?" Officer Singer asked. I nodded. My throat hurt from trying not to cry. He wrote some more and closed his notepad. "Well, that's all the information we need. I will stop by in a few days to inform you when we have Randal Anderson in custody and I will inform you when your court date is. If you start to remember anything here is mine and Officer Singer's cards for you to call." I grabbed the business cards out of Detective Winchester's hand and nodded. I set them down on the nightstand and grabbed the notepad sitting next to the lamp. I picked the pen up off the notepad and wrote down my name, my cell phone and home phone number. I handed it to Detective Winchester and he nodded at me. "Just give me a call when you find Randy. I would start looking and Robert Sheldon's house. They're best friends so he's probably passed out drunk there." I told them. "Okay. I'll just give you a call when the court date is set up so I can get your home address. It's mandatory we inform in person about the court date. If I could tell you over the phone I would but some people have questions they want to ask in person." I nodded. We started walking towards the bedroom door. Officer Singer opened the door. Detective Winchester motioned me to exit first. I thanked him and they followed me out into the living room. "Thank you for your time. They've already started a case for you." Officer Singer told us. I nodded. "Thank you for everything, Officers." Darry said as he opened the door for the men. "Our pleasure. Heal up nicely, Miss Ramsey." Detective Winchester pointed at me with a light smile. I chuckled, "I will. Thank you." I said. "No problem. You folks have a nice night." The men waved to us as they left the house. "You two!" We all called as the men left. I sighed and rubbed my face. I just wanted this night to be over.

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