Chapter 10

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Hey guys! So sorry I'm just now updating! But I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! Love ya'll!
Johnny and I sat there for a second. "Johnny what do we do? I don't feel safe." I said. "It's okay. We need to go in there. We can't stay out here all night." Johnny said. I sigh and took the keys out of the ignition. Johnny and I approached the house and I unlocked it. It slowly creaked open. We couldn't see anything without the lights on. I turned on the lamp and everything looked normal. Then I remembered the person I thought I saw walk into the bathroom. "Stay out here Johnny." I approached the bathroom and flicked the light on. When I saw the walls I screamed. There were scratch marks all along the bottom of the wall. I couldn't move. I was terrified. Then I heard something I never wanted to hear. Johnny's scream of pain. I snapped out of my trance and bolted to the living room. Johnny was kneeling in the floor holding his head in his hands. I ran over to him and knelled in front of him. "Johnny, what's wrong? Talk to me." My voice was shaky. "My head is pounding. Ramsey, it's so painful!" Johnny was crying he was in so much pain. Then his eyes widened as he looked behind me. I slowly turned around and a woman was standing behind me. She had this look of pure hatred spread across her features. She raised off the floor and flew at us and let out a blood curdling scream right in our faces. We fell backwards a little bit as her face flew at me and grabbed my arm so tightly I thought my bone would snap in half. My skin felt like it was on fire. She suddenly disappeared. I pulled Johnny up off the floor and ran into my room and grabbed my rosary off my dresser and gripped it in my hand.  Johnny and I sat in the middle of my bed. What the hell was happening?

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