Chapter 36

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"Ramsey, you are not poison. Why do you think that?" Soda asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Everyone around me gets hurt. Its got to be my fault." I let out a small sob as I wiped away my tears. But others just replaced them. 

"Ramsey, me getting hurt was not your fault. Come here." Soda motioned me toward him. I climbed over his legs to his other side. I was now laying on Ponyboy's side of the bed. Soda laid down with me. I gently laid my head on his chest and he held me in his arms. His left hand rested on my hip and his right hand held my left one as our hands rested on his chest. He kissed my knuckles and laid our hands back down.

"Ramsey, I want you to listen to me. None of this was your fault."


"But nothing. You need to understand that bad things happen to people to make them stronger. You will grow from this. You will get better. The gang and me will help you. You're not alone in this fight Rams. I'm right here next to you cheering you on. Right now it seems difficult. But in due time, it will get better. Trust me. I've been through hard times myself. With my parents dying and having to dropout to help support my family. I didn't see a light at the end of the ugly ass tunnel called life. But you know what?"

"What?" I looked up at Soda as he looked down at me.

"I eventually saw the light at the end of the tunnel. And the light had a name."

"What was it's name?"

"Ramsey Lynn Moore." I smiled at Soda. He smiled back. I loved his smile. The way his teeth were naturally bright and strait. He had these cute wrinkles up by his nose that popped out. His smile was extremely contagious. I had found the light at the end on=f the tunnel. And it's name was Sodapop Patrick Curtis.

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