Chapter 43

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The hospital was quiet. Darry carried me in. The lights hurt my eyes so I buried my head into the crook of his neck. My arm was pulsing and burning something awful. Darry walked up to the counter.
"She's bleeding pretty badly. We need a doctor now."
"A doctor will see you when he's ready." She said in a monotone voice. Soda leaned over the counter and got real close to her face.
"Look lady, I give a shit who you are or who the doctor is with. My girlfriend need immediate medical attention. Her entire arm has been gushing blood for 15 god damn minutes. If you don't get up off your lazy ass and a fucking doctor, I will shove my foot so far up your ass your dentist will be picking my toes out from between your teeth. Do I make myself perfectly fucking clear?"
"Have a seat. I'll go grab a doctor." She got up hurriedly and jogged down the hallway. Soda was fuming. He grabbed my hand. It felt like it was on fire.
"Soda, you didn't have to do that." I whispered to him.
"Yes I did. I can't stand to see you hurt." He kissed the top of my head. When I looked down the hallway after hearing footsteps, who I saw walking down the hallway surprised me.
"Detective Winchester?"
"Hey guys." Detective Winchester greeted us.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"If I told you, you wouldn't like it. And seeing your blood drenched arm, it now would be the worst thing I could ever do."
"I don't care. I was just worried you were hurt."
"Yeah, are you okay, sir?" Soda asked.
"Oh I'm fine."
"Then what's wrong?" I asked.
"You're sure you want to know?" He asked in his deep gravely voice.
"Randy is here."
"What? Why?"
"Apparently the inmates in prison don't like rich rapists. The bastard has been asking to see you. They must have knocked his brains around pretty good."
"Why would he want to see me?" I asked gripping Soda's hand."
"I don't know, Ramsey. But I'm doing everything I can to make sure he doesn't touch you ever again. I'm actually working on getting him a much longer sentence." He chuckled.
"Thank you, sir." I smiled at him.
"Please, call me Dean." He smiled back.
"Can I ask you a question before you leave?" I asked.
"Oh, I'll be  here all night. Shoot." He said sitting down.
"Are you perhaps related to my lawyer? Sam winchester?" I asked. Detect- Dean chuckled.
"Yeah. That's my baby brother." He smiled at the sound of "baby brother".
"You really care for Sam don't you?" I asked.
"Well yeah. I'd do anything for him. Why do you ask?" Dean answered. I smiled.
"I saw your eyes light up at the mention of his name and you called him "baby brother". Most people would say "little brother" or "my brother". I responded.
"Good observation kiddo. Maybe you should become a detective as well."
"I was actually looking into law enforcement." I said. Dean nodded his head.
"Good choice. You'd do great at it. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your arm?"
"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." I said looking at Soda.
"Kiddo, I once had a lady tell me she had flesh eating lady bugs in a watermelon she bought. Your story won't sound weird."
"Okay. Not even kidding, I dreamt of a black creature jumping at me then I woke up with the scratches on my back and arm and the bruising in my legs. Still sound normal to you?"
"Oh absolutely. You're dealing with a lynx." He said nonchalantly.
"A what?" Soda asked. Dean leaned forward and put his knees on his elbows.
"A lynx is a supernatural entity that will hurt you as it protects you from something much more dark and evil. It-"
"It mostly comes at nighttime but sometimes will show itself during the day warning you that your about to have attacked by something demonic. Usually that demonic thing has attached itself to you. A lynx will be sent by someone who has passed away that's trying to protect you." Sam had showed up.
"Sam what are you doing here?" I asked.
"There always needs to be a lawyer present at jail jumpings." He said as he sat down.
"How did you know all that stuff?" I asked.
"Our mom was a ghost hunter."

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