Chapter 17

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*Ramsey's P.O.V.*  

The rest of the results came back on Mac's testing and she has no diseases. Thankfully. She'll be able to walk again with physical therapy. She'll walk out of the hospital but with a really bad limp. She'll have that limp for a couple years but the therapy will fix that. She's staying at the Curtis' house since Buck's place can get pretty wild. She'll still be in the hospital until next month or so. She can't breathe on her own and it's killing Ponyboy. Seeing her in the state she's in, breaks his heart. We were ordered by the doctors to go home and get some rest while she goes into reconstructive surgery to fix her nose and cheek bone. It's been a week since all of that happened. Johnny had been taking care of Eskimo while I stayed at the hospital with Mac. He said weird stuff had been happening. He would get scratched in his sleep, he could hear a man whispering in the attic, he would hear footsteps, etc. I dropped Ponyboy off at his house. We had about six hours until Mac got out. As soon as she got out of surgery she would go right back in 30 minutes later so they could fix her spine up as much as they could. Two of her discs had been knocked out of place so they're gonna see if they can put them back in place and if not then they'll give her new ones. Johnny's with Dally so I'll have the house to myself. I finally arrived home and walked inside. It was freezing in this house. I walked over to the thermostat and looked at the temp. It read 26.3 Celsius. Why it was that low I have no idea. I turned it up to 69.4, the temperature we always keep the house at. I walked into my room and laid on my bed. I heard footsteps above me and listened to them. Whoever was up there was pacing. I thought someone was actually in my house so I grabbed the bat I kept in my closet. The door to the attic was next to my closet door on the left side of my room. I slowly opened the door and looked up the stairs. It was dark but I could still hear the footsteps. I grabbed the flashlight on the nightstand next to me. I crept up the stairs using my flashlight to light the steps as I walked up them. The footsteps were still pacing. They weren't getting louder, they were getting softer. I got to the top of the stairs and looked around the open space in was standing in. They're was no one there and the footsteps were soft. They weren't coming from the attic at all. Then it dawned on me. They were coming from downstairs. I didn't know what to do so I went back downstairs to see if I could find where they were coming from. Biggest mistake I could have made.

Hey guys! So this is a filler chapter because I have a little bit of writers block today but tomorrow's chapter will be a lot better. I promise! Thanks for reading! Love ya'll! Stay gold!

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