Chapter 38

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I stared into Ponyboy's grey eyes. I started to cry harder.
"He's a bad person. You didn't deserve this from him of all people. He deserves what he's getting."
"I known he's a bad person. Then why do I feel so guilty?" I whispered in a horse voice from crying.
"Because you're a good person." Ponyboy whispered.
"I admire you, Ponyboy." I whispered.
"Me?" His eyes widened.
"Yes, you. You can always make people feel better. You and your brother, Soda. You're special, Ponyboy. Don't ever forget that." I smiled and put my hand on top of his. They were warm, just like Soda's always were.
"I should probably wake Soda up so we can get dinner." I said as I set my cup on the nightstand, I stood up with Ponyboy and walked over to Soda. I shook his shoulder and whispered his name. He started to stir then opened his eyes ever so slowly.
"Dinners ready, love." I smiled at him. Soda noticed the tears on my face and wiped the tears off of my face with the pad of his thumb. I helped him sit up and he put his hands on my shoulders. I bent my knees and held onto the back of Soda's arms. As he pushed himself up on my shoulders I pulled him up. Ponyboy got behind Soda and grabbed his hips to help Soda get his balance. Ponyboy slowly let go of Soda to see if he got his balance. Once Soda was stable on his feet, Ponyboy went and opened the door and Soda grabbed my arm. I held it up to give him support and we slowly walked to the kitchen.
   When we walked into the living room, Two-bit, Steve, and Dally already had their plates. Darry and Johnny were still in the kitchen getting more stuff out of the fridge and kitchen pantry. Soda and I walked over to the kitchen table and Ponyboy pulled out a chair for Soda. Soda put his hands back on my shoulders and I grabbed his waist. Ponyboy grabbed under Soda's arms and we slowly helped Soda sit down. Soda's face contorted in pain.
"How you doing, lil' buddy?" Darry asked.
"I'm doing okay." Soda said. But I knew he was lying. He was in pain and to me, it was obvious. I knew he was hurting and it was killing me. Because I couldn't help but to think that it was all my fault. Ponyboy and I sat down at the table. Darry brought Soda his plate and Pony stood back up to get his food. Johnny and Darry joined us at the table. Soda had his hand up on the table so I grabbed it so that my hand was on top of his. He clutched my hand and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb.

"Are you not eating Rams?" Darry asked. I shook my head.

"I'm not very hungry. Thank you though." I smiled. Darry nodded and continued to eat. I ran my free hand through my messy blonde hair and sighed.

"I'm gonna go lay down for a bit." I let go of Soda's hand and stood up. I put my right hand on Soda's shoulder and kissed Soda on the forehead. He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. I smiled at Darry, Ponyboy and Johnny then walked to the boys' room. I waved at Steve, Dally, and Two-Bit as I passed them and they waved back, food still shoveled into their mouths. I closed the door and rolled onto Soda's side of the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep. 

When I woke up, it was dark outside and it was cold in the room, I sat up and called for Soda. No one answered. I took the blankets off of me. As soon as the air touched the bare skin on my legs, my skin broke out into goosebumps. I wrapped my arms around myself and breathed out. A cloud formed into front of me.

"Why can I see my breath?" I asked in my head. 

"Raaaammseeeeeeey." I heard someone whisper behind me. I quickly turned around and nothing was behind me. I heard it whisper my name again and I turned back around. I could see a black figure, squatting on the end of the bed. It was sitting like an animal would. It was bald with a few long hairs hanging from its head. Its ears were long and pointed at the end. It was a thin as a skeleton and its limbs were extremely long. I heard a low growl emit from deep within its body. My heart rate increased and I froze. I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. All I could do was... stare, at this... thing. I heard another growl and it jumped at me. 

I bolted strait up in bed. I was panting and sweating. I groaned, ran my hands through my hair and climbed out of bed. It was indeed dark in the room. I looked at the alarm clock Soda kept on his nightstand. 8:30 p.m. Great. I started to walk to the kitchen where I heard the boys' voices flowing out into the living room. Dally, Two-Bit, and Steve were all passed out in their spots in the living room. 

"Soda, I'm worried about Ramsey. I think she's stopped eating." I heard Darry's low voice float out of the kitchen. I hid on the wall so that the boys couldn't see me. 

"Shit. Really?" Soda said. He sounded tired. I heard him sigh.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Pepsi Cola." Darry comforted him. Why would he feel guilty about this? I know he's been sleeping a lot but he can't help that. The meds would make anyone tired. 

"Darry, she's not just my girlfriend. She's the love of my life, the whole reason I even get up in the morning and go to work. She's my everything. I thought Sandy was the one I would love more than anyone, the girl that I would marry, start a family with. But she changed that. I love Ramsey more than anyone I've ever met. In the entire time I've been with her, I've never once thought of Sandy. I'm supposed to support her. I know she's blamed herself about the shooting and I should be comforting her but my dumb ass has just been sleeping all the time and leaving her to deal with this by herself. What kind of man am I if I can't even comfort my girl?" Hearing this brought tears to my eyes. None of this was his fault. 

"Soda, she doesn't blame you. She never would." Ponyboy said.

"You can't be so hard on yourself, man." Johnny chimed in. Soda sighed.

"I know, I know. I just can't lose her. I couldn't do it. I'd go mad." Soda said. 

"I couldn't lose you either, love." I thought to myself. I heard Darry, Ponyboy and Johnny scoot their chairs out. I stepped away from the wall and pretended to have just walked to the kitchen.

Ramsey's Worst Nightmare (a Sodapop fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora