Chapter 41

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"Does anything else hurt? I want to make sure these scratches aren't anywhere else." Darry asked. I nodded.

"My back does a little." Darry walked around me and started to lift my shirt up.

"Holy hell. Dal come here." Darry said under his breath. Dally gently put my arm down by my side and walked behind me.

"Jesus Christ." Dally said.

"What is it?" I asked. I was starting to get nervous.

"Come to the bathroom with me. You too Dally." Darry instructed. He put my shirt down. We walked to the bathroom and Darry started to get the first aid kit out.
"Lift your shirt up and look in the mirror." Darry said as he opened the case. I did as I was told. What showed up in the mirror was horrific. My back was covered in blue and purple bruises. Dally shook his head when he saw the bruises. I slowly put my shirt down and started at the floor with wide eyes.
What the hell is happening to me?

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