Chapter 2

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*A/N* I was going to update tomorrow but I got invited to my boyfriend's house for his birthday tomorrow. I've been really busy putting his present together so sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. But here's the next chapter! Enjoy!


Unfortunately I had to leave my two favorite people. I asked Soda to stay the night with me because of today's previous events. Soda said he would and that Darry was fine with it. A wave of relief washed over me. We got to my house and I unlocked the door. Nothing was moved so that was a good sign. I hated that my parents were on a business trip the whole summer. I had to take Soda away from Pony and I felt really bad but I was so scared I was going to get murdered. Stupid over active imagination.

Soda and I were sitting in my room laugh and joking around when we heard the walking start up again. "Damn raccoons," Soda muttered. He could tell I was freaked out really bad so he softly put his lips to mine. Things started to get heated and I was really enjoying it. Soda pushed me down on the bed while never breaking the kiss. I suddenly felt like we were being watched. I tried to ignore it but i couldn't do it. I had to reassure myself I was just imagining things. But I was so wrong. Boy was I wrong. I opened my eyes and looked at my dresser mirror that faced my door. I saw a shadow figure in the mirror and I froze. Soda still hadn't notice. When he realized my lips weren't moving against his anymore he opened his eyes. He slowly pulled away with the biggest eyes I've ever seen anyone have. I guess he saw what I saw. I was still looking at the mirror. The shadow man just stood there. He didn't move. Didn't speak. Then, out of the clear blue sky, a man's scream of pure pain pierced the air all over my house. Soda and I covered our ears and squeezed our eyes shut because the scream was so loud we thought we were gonna go deaf. We opened our eyes and the man was gone.

"Hurry up, Ramsey! Lock your door so we can leave!" Soda shouted as I was fumbling with my keys so I could lock the door. We were heading back to his house, scared out of our minds. "I am!" I shouted back. The door finally locked and we slowly backed away from the house. Just as I was turning around I saw the shadow man standing in the big bay window in my living room. He was waving good bye to us.

Soda and I sprinted all 5 blocks to his house. Soda and I busted through the door catching the gang's attention. The whole gang was there and they were looking at us like we told them we just saw a unicorn. "What's wrong? You two look like you've seen a ghost," Two-bit joked. Soda and I looked at each other and started babbling at the same time. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! One at a time!" Darry ordered. "Ramsey you go ahead and sit down. I'll explain what happened," Soda told me as he placed a kiss to my temple. Johnny sat on the right arm rest as Pony scooted over. I sat next to him and Pony put his arm around my shoulders. I hadn't realized I was crying from fear until Ponyboy used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears off my face. I started crying even more and buried my face in the crook of Ponyboy's neck as Soda rambled on. "Come to the kitchen with me for a second." Ponyboy said as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up off the couch. I realized he was only a few inches taller than me. We walked into the kitchen and Ponyboy grabbed a paper towel. He ran it under cold water and started dabbing the underneath of my eyes. "There there, Ramsey. It's going to be okay. Calm down. Shhh. You're safe now. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you. Neither will Soda or the gang. Shhh. You're alright. Deep breath." Ponyboy cooed. I was looking up at the ceiling as I let Ponyboy dab the underneath of my eyes. I was taking deep shaky breaths. "You okay now, Ray?" Pony asked me as he finished dabbing the cold towel around my eyes and my face. "Yes. I am. Thanks a lot, honey." I smiled at Ponyboy. I called him "honey" because he's as sweet as honey. And Soda didn't mind because he trusted Pony and I. He smiled and blushed at me. "Do you know why I call you 'honey'?" I asked Ponyboy as he was throwing away the paper towel. "No. Why?" Ponyboy asked me. "Because your as sweet as honey." I smiled and pinched his cheek. He smiled and swatted my hand away. "Thanks, Ramsey." He gave me a big smile. "You're lookin' more and more like Sodapop each day." I smiled at him. He returned the smile and I kissed his cheek. A look of surprise crossed his face as he gently touched the spot I kissed on his cheek and looked at me with wide eyes.

I giggled at him as we walked into the living room. Soda was just finishing his story. I guess we didn't take that long or the gang had a lot of questions. I came up behind Soda and wrapped my arms around his waist. His shaky hands grabbed my forearms and I kissed his neck. Pony was smiling just a little bit. I was too. Soda took a deep breath. "Ramsey, your staying here tonight. I don't trust you being completely alone in that house." "I don't know, Soda. Where will Pony sleep?" I asked. "I can sleep on the couch with Johnny. It's fine, Ellen. Please stay here. Soda and I couldn't ever forgive ourselves if something bad happened to you." Pony said standing up. "Okay I'll stay. For you two." I smiled. "No funny business you two." Darry commanded. "After what happened to day, Dar, I think that's the furthest thing from our minds right now." Soda explained. Soda and I retreated to his and Pony's room after Ponyboy got him and Johnny clothes. As Soda and I passed Ponyboy I blew him a kiss. He playfully caught it and put it up to his heart. He blew me a kiss and I caught it and put it to my heart. We both started laughing like idiots. Soda started chuckling at out childishness. "I love how great you two get along." Soda said as he kissed me. "Hey. He's like my little brother. You and him own a piece of my heart." I kissed Soda back. We could hear Darry already snoring in his room. "Good night, Pony! Good night Johnnycakes! Sweet dreams you two. Love ya'll!" I called into the living room. "Good night, Ramsey! Sweet dreams and love you too!" The boys called back simultaneously. I closed the door and Soda had already changed. He handed me my clothes I keep here for when I sleep over. I changed quickly and Soda and I crawled into bed. Soda put his arms around my shoulders as I snaked my arms around his torso. He placed a kiss to the top of my hair. "Good night, Ramsey. I love you, baby girl." I kissed Soda's shoulder. "Good night, Soda. I love you too, Pepsi-Cola." And with that, we both fell into a peaceful sleep.


Sorry it's so long. I hope you enjoyed it though. I love you guys! Stay gold!

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